2 little bits of good news


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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thought i'd share, I was tested for Rubella immunity and have the results have come back saying that I am indeed immunised so I don't have to have a jab (and then wait a month before trying!)

Also, I am down to half my dose on my antidepressents now, another 2 weeks and I should be off them completely, so we will finally be able to start trying! I'm so excited!! :dance:

:D aww thats good i hope when you start trying you don't have long till you get your bfp :hug:
Great news :cheer:

if you had your rubella at school does that mean youre ok?
Awwww that's fab news! :cheer:

I came off anti-d's before trying to conceive my son, was on citalopram and didn't really have that bad a time with it, so fingers crossed you should be the same (which ones are you on?) I've not had to go back on them since either which is amazing considering the year I had last year! Just been using a lot of PMA or positive mental attitude or whatever they call it :D
That's good news hun, hopefully won't be long before you get your BFP then :D hope it goes well coming off the tablets :hug:
thanks guys, am really grateful for all your comments. If you had rubella at school, sometimes the immunity has worn off so you have to have a booster.

M&Ms- the first person I have spoken to thats was in a similar situation to me! I was/am on escitaprolam 10mg which basically is the same as citaprolam. I am at half-dose now, and sounds weird but am really proud of myself! I just can't wait to start trying to get preggers, I've waited so long!!! How did you come off - with a gradual reduction? I'm doing it over four weeks but it seems to be going on forever!!!

I did it over a month, and yes it does seem to take forever! Started reducing it to a tablet every other day for the frist 2 weeks, then half a tablet every other day for another 2 weeks, then stopped taking it altogether. Was very gradual that way and I didn't get any side-effects that I could notice. Doing it that way, your body becomes used to the lessening dose it is getting and then when you stop taking it altogether it isn't such a jolt as going cold turkey. Best of luck with it! :hug: :hug:
hi hun :wave: all the best ttc hope your stsy here is a brief one xx

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