
Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hi all, hope you are all well and got great plans for the bank holiday :)

I was just wondering if any of you have had your rubella immunity checked, I went to the drs following mc this month and he said I should get this checked if ttc, I've had the blood test but now got to wait a week before results grrrrr no bd on my bday :(

Apparently 2% of people who have the injection will not be immune!!! If I'm not I've got to stop ttc for three months :( so fx I am xx
Hi, I have had visit to doctors this week for bloods. Been doing all the tests bee TTC. Smears, bloods, etc etc. the nurse said to me i needed to have the second MMR jab as the booster. She mentioned there has been an increase in the UK of the illnesses and nurses / GP's have been told to make sure ladies are up to date.

She didnt mention anything about not TTC for three months?

Its nearly the weekend! Have a great Bank Holiday! :-)
Soph xx
Hi there, my bloods recently showed that i wasnt imune to rubella i was given the choice whether to have it or not but in the end i decided to go ahead with the mmr jab to be on the safe side. My doc told me i had to stop ttc for 3 months after the jab but after lots of research i found that alot of people were advising just one month however im not a docctor so the 3 months would prob be best even if it is a pain in the arse xx
Hi all yeah doc advised me that it would be three months wait if I wasn't immune !! Fortunately I've had my results back today and I am immune :) just wondered did you both have the immunisation when you were at school ?
I've also heard that there is an epidemic of rubbela hitting uk :( x
Measles mumps and rubella are in 1 are they not? Randomly when me and oh were mates ( didn't really know each other just kinda friends of friends ) we both got mumps! I musta been 22 at the time he was 18 and we both had the injections but we both got it! Made us both very Ill he was hospitalised too. He always worried about his ability to conceive as his bits swelled up and went funny poor thing but clearly he must been ok as our baby us due in 7 weeks!!:) but I'm sure I was immunised when I was younger - only me and him out of the rest if our friends got it strangely and it was horrible!! I think I've been tested for rubella and I'm ok but makes me wonder what my immunity is like to measles etc ESP as it's been in the news recently as coming back x
To be honest i cant remamber if i had it at school or not but about 4 years ago i got mumps too, at the time i didnt think too much about it but now i realise why , because i either didnt have the jab at school or i just want imune to it x
I had the rubella jab when I was ten, does that mean I'm okay?

I've had both mumps and measles when I was little.

Oh no something else to worry about! :confused:
I had all the jags when I was younger but when I got blood taken at my first mw appt it came back I wasn't immune. Nothing to worry about, midwife says I will just need to get the injection after I give birth. X
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I went for a smear test about 3 months before we were planning to start ttc, and mentioned it to the nurse as I was asking if she had any info that might be useful. She said straight away I'd need to have my rubella immunity checked, despite having the jab at school. I was suprised I'd never heard about this before!
The hospital also insisted on seeing the immunity test results from the doc before starting IVF treatment.
Get yourselves checked out and spread the word ladies! :-)
Measles mumps and rubella are in 1 are they not? Randomly when me and oh were mates ( didn't really know each other just kinda friends of friends ) we both got mumps! I musta been 22 at the time he was 18 and we both had the injections but we both got it! Made us both very Ill he was hospitalised too. He always worried about his ability to conceive as his bits swelled up and went funny poor thing but clearly he must been ok as our baby us due in 7 weeks!!:) but I'm sure I was immunised when I was younger - only me and him out of the rest if our friends got it strangely and it was horrible!! I think I've been tested for rubella and I'm ok but makes me wonder what my immunity is like to measles etc ESP as it's been in the news recently as coming back x

Apparently if you are not immune then they give you the mmr vaccine to cover you for all three xxx
I had this checked as part of my job, I have to be immune to this and hep c or I can't work x
I went back and checked wat jabs I've had and I've already had it, does that mean I'm immune? Should I go to the docs eek!! I'm only on cycle 1. I've had STD tests just in case!! Sorry for so many questions! Xx
according to nhs info 2% of women who have the jab are not immune, it's best to get it checked. Don't panic though the stats are on your side :)
I got my results in 3 days, good luck xxx
Thanks sue! What would happen if I have bfp this month? Eek. Xx
I'm not sure tbh, I don't think they will give you the mmr vaccine though, I think it would just be being vigilant about poorly people xxx

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