2/5ths Engaged....


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2015
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Hi Ladies,

Hope you are well?

So went to MW this morning and have found out im 2/5th engaged. :) I am now 34 + 4 weeks.

Anyone else know what they are and if you were engaged at this stage did it mean labour was early??


I was engaged fairly early with my first and she was 10 days late, so it doesn't always mean you will be earlly.
Dam it.....

Was hoping I could be early with this one.... Never mind.

This is my third so could be early???? really hoping ha ha

Thanks Bunny.
My MW did seem to think things were looking like she might be early so it probably does increase your chances... She wasnt having any of it though! I'm not sure what being engaged early with your third means, could be promising. My second didn't engage propperly until well into labour and he was 5 days early. He turned out to be 11lbs so I think he knew he needed to get out while he still could, lol.
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11bls... WOW Well done you hun.

Both of my other two didn't engage and I had to have c-sections with both. I would like to try and push this one out but we shall see.

Ive just got to the point where I want to feel normal again. :(

When are you due Bunny??
This is my third too shorty, hoping to go into labour naturally as was induced with my other two. I know baby's head is down, but she didn't say if he was engaged or not x
I'm 3/5 at 40+ nearly 5 and cervix is firmly shut! Being induced tomorrow but would not be coming along on its own any time soon!
My first engaged early I had her at 37 weeks. Waters went and I started contractions a few hours later.
With my 3rd ( now 12 days old ) he didn't engage until he was about to be born!
Thanks for all your replies ladies.

Cookie - when you due? I had to have c-sections with my last two so im hoping to go VBAC with this one. Good luck hun.

Siamesecatlady - Good luck to you. Hope all has gone well?

MrsMcc - How early did you engage then? What were your first signs of labour? Ive started to feel sick and have a few back pains but nothing to shout about.

I'm due 11th October not long now, hope he doesn't come late as am in pain with my hips and back aching X

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