2.5 Questions?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi everyone,
I've just got a couple of questions that I need your opinions on.
1) My cats are both acting a bit different , do you think they can sense I'm pregnant?
One who has always been friendly but was never a lap cat has turned into a lap cat. She spent an hour with me this morning just wanting cuddles and strokes. The other has always been a one for cuddles but just seems like she can't get enough plus now she seems to have got extremely jealous of my hubby. He now feeds and cleans for the cats but when he puts her food bowl down She hisses at him. (Has anyone got any ideas about how to stop her from hissing at him?)

2) As a few of you are aware I have had morning sickness for a bit (still have) but now I have a feeling of something being stuck at the bottom of my throat after I eat something (which is always small), Is this indegestion?
My mums cat who is normally agressive and likes to be by herself hasn't left me alone since I have been pregnant. Everytime I go to see my mum she jumps straight on my lap and wont leave me alone till I go!
I think they do sense pregnancy and become very protective over pregnant women.
I was actually going to start a topic about this earlier because I thought it was strange how my mums cat has been acting differently. As for my 2 cats, well they ignore me more now then what they did before so I think they are jealous because they know something is going on. Maybe they feel neglected.

I dont know much about cats but my sister has 3 and they are the same way . I think animals are smarter then we think and do know, my dog has acted different since a few days before i tested with both pregnancies, hes one reason i tested this itme as he kept laying on my tummy . Wierd but smart!!

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