1st Trip to A&E!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2005
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Well its happened, Ruby fell off the foot stool and banged the back of her head.
My son was putting out her baby gym and placed her on the foot stool and she rolled right off it. It was such a loud bang. Poor little Ruby started screaming her head off Josh was crying his eyes out. My worse nightmare had come true.
She was crying so much that it made me crythat made Josh worse. He kept saying Im so sorry mummy, and then said if anything happens to her he'll do something to himself, you can imagine my reaction..........all this talk came from him watching Eastenders and little Mo. There was all three of us crying.
I phoned the Drs and they told us to go to A&E. We got there and they were so nice, they gave us a seperate room from the waiting room so I could feed her. By now Ruby was totally back to her normal self, smiling and giggling at her very worried brother.
The baby Dr we saw said because she was under 6 months she had to have a head X-Ray. They checked her eyes and reactions and felt around her head. Then they told us to go down to the baby ward and wait for the baby Dr after he'd looked at her X-Rays.
After a worrying 20 minutes he came in and said everything was fine. We were so relieved, and Josh gave Ruby a massive cuddle and in return she dribbled and blew a raspberry at him.
Today shes just as normal but I have to admit I keep checking her more than I normally do when shes asleep.
It has made me feel like I failed her by not looking out for her, and I keep trying to tell myself shes fine but it doesnt stop my guilty feeling.
She'd only just started rolling over from back to front properly 2 days ago.
Im sorry if this Topic has been done before but I just want to let you all know it can happen even just by blinking.
Thankfully Ruby is as bright as normal and I thank my lucky stars for that.

awww no! that must have been awful. we were at the hospital on monday due to a rash and it is soooo worrying!

i'm glad she is ok though!!

she is fine and don't feel guilty - accidents happen and you can't watch them all the time. the fact that you were crying shows that you are good mam :)

oh god i dread this day with Jack, The first time Amy learnt to roll she was on my bed :doh:
She went straigh off it and got a carpet burn on her nose!! Don't worry hun, it happens to everyone
oww hunni i feel for you its so horrible seeing your little ones hurt.

but these things happen Dior has had some right nasty falls
Thanks girls I know your all right, but its that overwhelming feeling of OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!
She is fine I just have to keep telling myself that.

awww hunni i feel for u i kow how worrying it can be but at least she is ok and poor josh he must love his lil sis so much to worry like that bout her
Your right Josh loves his sister so much, he cant get enough of her.


Im glad she is okay and what a nice big brother.
Poor Ruby :(

I know how you must've felt hun, it's so scary when they have their first fall. I dont think i'll ever get over the horrible sick feeling i got when Reece fell off the couch, i still cant forgive myself for letting it happen. But everyone is right though these things happen and we shouldn't feel bad.
oh you poor thing, it must have been so traumatic. Bought tears to my eyes just reading about it.

Im so glad she is ok. These things happen so dont blame yourself.

What a little star your son is too

Awww what a nightmare, so glad all is OK


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