1st Timers

Yes waking up and being handed your baby would be amazing and painless. Home birth does sound nice and there are people who do it. I just couldn't, I'd need the support and know if something was to start going wrong I'm already in the right place. Who knows how long you would need to wait for an ambulance. Sorry not trying to scare you.
I wish my head aches would go away had to take pain killers today it's so bad and had a sleep when I got in. It's so bad and the spots! Where is this glow everyone talks about?
Don't worry, I'll likely scare myself away from home birth by the time I have to decide anything! I know what ya mean with the headaches... eesh... I'm allergic to paracetamol also so I have no idea what I can take. Had a flu jab Saturday as recommended by the mw and now I just feel like I have flu, dammit. Not doing that again!
I had flu jab but I feel fine from it this year. Iv had to take paracetamol as they got bad. I think home birth would be nice I'm just a wimp. Xx
Is there anything besides paracetamol that might be safe to take does anybody know? I'm just avoiding all pain killers at the moment, but am not sure what I could have if I really needed something. Maybe I'll have to quiz gp... mw couldn't answer that one.
I have a stinking head cold, everyone at work has been trying to get me to have a lemsip all day! I am not a massive fan of taking unecessary tablets/ medication anyway, and all the bits of paper in medication say see doctor before taking if you are pregnant. As I'm only just over 5 weeks, it feels like ages before I can go and see someone to ask questions about what I can and can't take!
awww... make some fresh ginger and lemon tea with a bit of honey, pinball! (And if we weren't all preggers, rum) ;)
Mw I told me paracetamol is ok for me to take iv only taken two tablets as I'd rather not but hey if it gets to how it was il take more. My head ache was so bad I felt dizzy and faint. Hope you manage to find something that works for you. Xx

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