

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2011
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Hello ladies,

I hope everyone is well & you're all having a lovely weekend.

I'm just curious to know whether any of you 1st timers are showing or putting weight on as of yet? I was a size 6 but have gone up two dress sizes putting on 1st & I'm only 10 weeks. I appear to have a bump too & can feel the buldge of my utreus between the middle of my peliv bone. It just seems so surreal that a little baby is growing inside me, I feel so blessed.

All the best to you lovely ladies.

X x x x
I'm only 4 weeks and weighed in 4 lb heavier today than last week! I think its the eating rather than the baby tho!
I was a loose size 16 and had lost 15lb on WW before my BFP and Ive put 8lb on and Im 8 weeks. Im still in a 16 though thankfully. The midwife didnt seem at all surprised when I told her and said everyone is different.
im too scared to weigh myself and find out! its only been 4 or so weeks so i know if i have put on weight its because i'm over eating!!! xxx
Thats what mine was Pos. I went mad on pastries and chips and crisps which are things I cut down on with WW so I just thought oh well I can eat them now. Thats the only reason Ive put weight on lol. Ive slowed down now and am eating better :D
Yes I agree with you all. I guess I am eating for two now, as are we all. I've lost the sickness now so I'm trying to eat healthy food.

What's everyones dislikes & loves in terms of food at the moment? I despise bananas!

Good luck to you all. X x x
I'm 4 weeks tomoro and have lost 3lbs. I go off my food when pregnant :shock: x
I don't fancy anything, I'm
Making sure I eat healthily but it's an effort :roll: normally I can't get enough of food ;-) x
Same here Princess, that's what I'm finding with this pregnancy.
I definitely need to eat more and get some nutrients down my throat!

As for a bump, I am very skinny and usually I weight 8stone (after putting weight on the past few months YAY!) Now I'm ...bloated. I am 6 weeks, 4 days pregnant. Perhaps I have put more weight on, which is an achievement for me because I was underweight
Same as me Tiffany - I've never weighed over 8 st now i'm almost 9! What an achievment, I hope I fill out a lot more now as I'd like some curves! I'm starting acqua yoga in two weeks time, will update how that goes lol x x x x
Well I hope it goes well!
I was thinking of doing something the same, I'm very flexible and don't really want to lose that whilst I'm a whale.
I cant bare bananas either. Im loving bacon and apples at the moment.
I'm on my 9th week now and since last week not very keen on bananas either. I've lost apetite for sweets (still eating some of them but it's more from the habbit).
Since last week I don't know what I want to eat anymore. Just know for sure I don't want meat, don't want anything greasy (can't even think about oily foods) and not very keen on some vegetables at the moment. But still trying to eat as healthy as I can.:)))
I got a lil bump at 7 weeks (there is my picture in the bumpy pics thread) :) though it obviously was just all the extra food I was eating! It's grown a little bit now, but not massively. I think I put on about 3 pounds now...
Graci, the thought of grease on food makes me want to gag. We had Nandos last night and normally I can eat olives till they come out of my ears but the thought of the olive oil and the taste made me have the red pepper dip instead lol. Bacon swimming in fat OMG GGAAAAGGGG
Hey Cherrybinky, I had Nandos yesterday too ( but just chicken and few chips) and surprisingly enough i felt ok afterwards. I usually eat in as I like home made foods but yesterday we were at the Richmond park and decided to have lunch out.
I love Nandos graci its our treat once every now and again. I had chicken breast and normally have rice and coleslaw but can you believe....they'd run out of rice at every Nandos in Leeds apparently due to deliveries not getting sent out. So, I had chips and it was lovely. I love the red pepper dip starter and we always have ours spicy too. I managed to eat it all and felt better after and was hungry again by 9pm so went to bed to stop me eating LOL
We had coleslaw too, but I couldn't eat it, just tried it and I thought no no no I'm not having it.:)))
im a size 14 and was on a diet before i found out i was expecting, im eating healthy and am still going to the gym, ive gone off chicken as it gives me the '2 bob bits' in the morning! im loving satsumas though and tinned manderins, cant stand the smell of alcohol which i suppose is good coz its put me right off drinking.
I love oranges, satsumas too!!! Favourite fruits at the moment.

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