1st scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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1st scan tomorrow since i was 19(now 27), when i had a misscarage....
sooooooo nervous.
keep dreaming they scan me and nothing there, and all this sickness headaches etc are just me being weird.
Hi Angie

Good luck and Congrats on baby :)

I was exactly the same in fact I managed to convince myself there was nothing there right up until she stuck the scan thingy on my belly, it was a huge emotional relief to see baby actually in there :)

You will be fine, I think all these feelings are totally normal.
Hi Angie, wishing you all the best...like BellaRiven I was exactly the same, was terrified right up until I saw little bubs that there would be nothing there, one of the most amazing moments of my life! Enjoy! x
Thank you ladies,
im still worried scan is at 3.15 today.
had a dream there was no heartbeat.
1st pregnancy thats got this far.
will keep u updated. but i really do appriciate you all commenting.
Hugs hunny im sure all will go ok .....your dreamz are just your inner worry's expressing themselves during sleep ...try not to let it panic you to much
Had mine this morning and felt EXACTLY the same! Good luck and looking forward to hear your GOOD news xxx
good luck with your scan, i'm sure everything will be fine :) cant wait to see your pics :) xx
Thank you everyone.
Baby is fine, little heartbeat and its a wriggler, wouldnt stay still.
just cant wait for him/her to be here. my husband thinks its a boy.lol
will upload a pix when i can figure out how to do it.lol

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