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1st NCT Antenatal class- OMG Changed my mind....


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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We had our first NCT Antenatal class last night, OMG I've changed my mind. I went in thinking I'm not worried about giving birth as I can't be scared of the unknown, to coming out thinking OMG that looks painful. DH kept saying your very quiet are you ok?

:cry: :cry:

aww hun u will b ok, i think we are all scared but just think of what you'll get at the end of it :hug:
Girls, I am the biggest coward when it comes to pain and I was cacking myself near the end...but...

...it really isn't that bad and I am actually looking forward to doing it all again, hopefully next year! :hug: :D
This is what is putting me off from going to any classes. Still don't know if I'm going to go or not. I shouldn't worry as I was there when I my friend gave birth so I have seen it just don't want to be reminded of it .
I think some people prefer not to know exactly whats going to happen and cope better that way.

Personally i have to know every possible situation and exactly what is happening to my body at the time so i LOVED my antinatel! If i really think about labout, especially when i'm very tired i wonder how i'll manage to keep going but then i think, well people have been giving birth for god knows how long so of course i can do it too.

I think having some fear of it is normal, it IS going to hurt, but as Kaslin said it'll be SO worth it!!
:hug: If it helps... if I had to judge on a scale on of 1-10 how bad labour was I'd give it a 4

If I had to judge on scale how bad stubbing my toe and hopping about for 5 minutes is I'd say 7...

So, stubbing your toe is evidently more painful than childbirth :wink:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I find denial works best for me I know I have to give birth to our baby, I have watched enough births on sky to know its going to hurt alot and read enough to know whats going to go on and what choices I want but im choosing to believe its not going to happen til I get there and have no choice but to get on with it! :rotfl:
i remember coming out of my antenatal class terrified of labour because they stupidly showed us a life size model of what your cervix looks like dilated! but knowledge is power- if you know whats happening to your body you can handle the pain a bit better..if labour was that bad everyone would only have one child! don't worry by the time you go into labour you're so fed up with being pregnant and anxious to meet your baby that you're just like "bring it on!!" :hug:
Moofa, there is no arguing that it is painful BUT if I can do it you can. I have a ridiculously low pain threshold, I'm a wimp and I'm scared of hospitals and needles and anything bodily-fluid related.

While you're in pain it seems like the worst thing in the world but honestly you get through it because you have no choice - and the thought of your baby (do you know gender yet?) at the end of it keeps you going. And like Kazlin has said you forget it all afterwards anyway and want to do it again :rotfl:

I can't remember who it was who said on here (muppetmummy perhaps?) but she said it was literally just one day of your life (or 5 hours in my case!) - and I kept remembering that while I was in the birthing pool and it got me through.

There's no point worrying about the facts (e.g. 10cm dilated, this is what happens) because your body does it naturally anyway.

Best of luck hun :hug:
Ante natal classes do make everything feel so real.

I'm sure every Mum on here will agree, you amaze yourself with how well you cope with labour and birth.

When you're actually going through it, you just deal with whatever comes your way.

Just keep in your mind the end result, your baby in your arms. Every contraction/push is a step closer to meeting him/her.
Oh moofa i know how you feel.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I felt exactly the same after watching a programme called "Dawn gets a baby" before the programme i was really relaxed but i was quite stunned and in shock from fear afterwards and my OH kept saying "are you ok you've gone really quiet" My answer was "yes i'm absolutely fine because i've decided i'm not going to go through labour and just stay pregnant forever......" :rotfl: :rotfl:

If only it was that simple. :wall: :wall: :wall:

I think we have the solution to unwanted teen pregnancies here..... we should send them all to Antenatal classes and watch "dawn gets a baby" I bet that pulls the rate of unwanted conception down!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Little miss pink said:
Oh moofa i know how you feel.... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I felt exactly the same after watching a programme called "Dawn gets a baby" before the programme i was really relaxed but i was quite stunned and in shock from fear afterwards and my OH kept saying "are you ok you've gone really quiet" My answer was "yes i'm absolutely fine because i've decided i'm not going to go through labour and just stay pregnant forever......" :rotfl: :rotfl:

If only it was that simple. :wall: :wall: :wall:

I think we have the solution to unwanted teen pregnancies here..... we should send them all to Antenatal classes and watch "dawn gets a baby" I bet that pulls the rate of unwanted conception down!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


oh god no dont watch that not being funny but the 2 women they showed on there were wimps..everyone i have spoke to about it who is a mum already agreed that they were definite "screamers" they made it look so much scarier than it is,....i was talking in between pushing..even laughing and those two were in there own world moaning and screaming they looked out of it...its not always like that!!

i think you gotta remember that no labour is the same and people have different reactions to pain aswell as pain thresholds!! but at the end of the day we cope with labour because its pain with a big purpose..and we are getting an amazing reward for spending a day or so maybe not even that if your lucky in pain which is managable!
I have my 1st class of 3 starting next week and am scared now, do they show you videos?? I can handle talking and practicing techniques but watching may be too much!!xx
i saw that dawn gets a baby programme, its true, the woman were drama queens, I didn't scream at all, just sounded like I was doing a poo! :rotfl:

its honestly not that bad, im quite gutted actually that I wont be able to experience it again (OH has said 2's enough). It will be the most amazing experience of your life and you'll get a little kiddy who will bring you a lifetime of happiness :D
muppetmummy said:
i saw that dawn gets a baby programme, its true, the woman were drama queens, I didn't scream at all, just sounded like I was doing a poo! :rotfl:

its honestly not that bad, im quite gutted actually that I wont be able to experience it again (OH has said 2's enough). It will be the most amazing experience of your life and you'll get a little kiddy who will bring you a lifetime of happiness :D

couldnt agree more about the dawn gets a baby thing...she somehow picked 2 massive drama queen wimps!! lol
OMG i thought the people in Dawn gets a baby had it easy! I've been expecting to be worse then that!

Now it sounds like labours going to be a breeze! I dont wanna delude myself lol
abcd1234 said:
OMG i thought the people in Dawn gets a baby had it easy! I've been expecting to be worse then that!

Now it sounds like labours going to be a breeze! I dont wanna delude myself lol

i promise- i'm not saying its a breeze but you can at least talk between contractions..those women were a bad representation of women in labour on the whole.
Try not to think about it too much. I was worried sick about labour but to be honest, when it comes down to it you just get on with it and want to meet your baby and for everything to be okay that you stop thinking and just do it!

Yes, it hurts, but not as much as you imagine it will.

You will be fine hun!! xxxxx
this post has put my mind at rest

i saw that dawn gets a baby and it terrified me :shock:

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