1st MW app on Friday!


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Well my 'booking app' is this Friday at 9.30!! I'm really looking forward to meeting our Midwife, I just hope she's nice!:lol:

A friend of mine said she will take some blood and ask me to do a urine sample, is this right because the letter I have doesn't mention anything.

yeah booking in ivolve lots of quiestions on family history blood pressure, taking bloods from you asking which tests you would like you have to pee in a pot lol and ask birth preference some do anyway and also might have a feel of your belly :)
Are you having your scan at same time Claire? My first midwife appt was just a home visit from her to go through family history etc, it was at the hospital when I had my scan that I had all the blood and urine tests :) Enjoy anyway - hope she's nice, mine was ok but not particularly friendly or warm....but the midwives I have seen at the hosptal have all been lovely - guess it's total pot luck which one is on shift when you deliver your baby! xx
No i'm not having my scan until 3rd December. It says on the scan letter that i'm having blood taken so maybe she won't do it. Who knows! I'll let you all know on Friday! :)

If your having blood took at 12 week i dont think they will do it now surely? I got mine took at my first appointment but it said on my letter. Good luck hun xxx
Who knows Shauna, i'm not fussed about having blood taken at both apps if that's what they need to do. Needles don't bother me at all! :)

i went last thursday, it was good, ive got the same widwife as i did with my son, wich is great

she just booked me in at hozzy for my 12 week scan, give me my booklet, some info on how things had changed since my last pregnancy, then she give me another date 8th december to come bk to see her n have my blood ect done! x

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