17 week movement

Jan 4, 2008
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Hello again!

Wow, two posts in one day :) just got Ava to sleep so I thought I would post a question cos I'm getting paranoid!

I'm 17 weeks four days and I actually felt my first movements at 14 weeks' (they say second time round you can recognise wriggles earlier) however, these aren't everyday just now and then, and I haven't felt anything today and not much yesterday. I'm getting worried, even though I know everything is ok cos I have a doppler and heartbeat ok.

Any of you 17 weekers feeling regular movements? Can anyone calm me down?! lol xx
Yep, I've been getting movements for a couple of weeks now too. Can't say they are particularly regular yet though, just here and there, but if I get concerned I go and lie down and try to relax as that is usually when baby comes alive! Generally get a few good wriggles when I first get to bed at night, or otherwise when I've just eaten, but I can't say there's any pattern to it yet. Think it's a bit early for that yet, it's more like 20-25 weeks when baby will get themselves into a little sleep/wake routine and more regular movements. I could be wrong but that's just my experience. I wouldn't worry about it yet, like you said you've heard heartbeat and everything is well, so try and relax x
I had the first flutters at around 16 weeks then irregular kicks up until about 18/19 weeks, now am getting regularly booted lol!!! I think as long as you have a heartbeat that everything is fine, but if you have concerns you should speak to your MW who should be able to put your mind at rest :hug:

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