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16 week appointment RANT!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I feel pi**sed of so apologies in advance for the rant..So, at my last MW appointment I was asked if I wanted to have the downs blood tests at my next appointment. I said that I wasn’t sure and she said to have a think about it and just let her know at the next appointment whether I want them done or not…we decided to have them done.

My 2nd appointment was today at 8.30am (first appointment of the day) I was taken at 9.20am. It was a different MW to my first appointment. She asked if I was having the tests done and I said yes, she took my blood and then said ‘right that’s you’. That was it, that was my whole appointment, she did nothing else and then said ‘you’re next appointment is at 28 weeks’.

So that’s me until 28 weeks now. Does this seem right??

I feel quite angry as what if I had gone today and didn’t want the test done. Would I have just been sent away again?? Ahhh p*ssed off.
That's it until 28 weeks?! That's rubbish...I thought you have to go back at 24 weeks and then 28 weeks? How else are they gonna monitor your BP etc. and make sure everything's running smoothly? I think after 28 weeks you go back at 30 or 32 and then it's every 2 weeks after that!

Have you rung the doctors surgery to confirm what the MW said? I don't even bother with the MW at my local surgery and find I am looked after more by antenatal clinic at hosital :D xxx
Aww that's not good is it?
To be honest, it doesn't seem right at all. I didn't have a 16 week appointment because I'd opted out of the blood test, but I did have one after my 20 week scan, in which she tested my wee and BP etc.
Then it was going to be 10 weeks until my next appointment, so I rang my Drs and asked if I should be seeing someone in between and they booked me in to see the midwife at 24 weeks.
I would ring up your GP or your hospital and ask them, hopefully they'll get you booked in to be seen by someone. :hug:
OMG!!!!! Did she not take your BP, wee sample, prod to check size was right for your dates? :doh: that's standard routine MW appointment stuff.

Although I didn't geta job following qualification ( :wall: ) - I am a qualified MW (2 yrs ago) and you should be at the very least having your BP and wee test done. Ususally sizing too and possibly trying to listen in to baba's heartbeat :shakehead: doesn't seem right to me, unless things have changed dramatically in the last 2 years........................

Hey - it didnt seem right to me either...ui actually also missed out that at my first app the MW had given me a container for wee and asked me to bring one with me. I wasnt asked for it at all at the 2nd app so said to her that I had it with me and was asked to bring it and she said 'oh no we dont need that at this appointment' and put it in the bin. She didnt check for anything else at all.

Also when I was at the reception desk booking in my app time she ran back out and asked if she could check my notes to see what my original weight was??..I didnt see the point seen as she didnt weight me this time??

The appointment was at the hospital as its nearer my work so I chose it for app's rather than my docs surgery
Also we dont get a 20 week scan in my area - we only get a 12 week dating scan
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. :hug: My first midwife appointment (pre-booking) was rubbish too - she just rushed me through the form and sent me on my way, although she did take my blood and tested my urine. I actually ended up phoning back afterwards as I realised I had no idea what happended next, i.e. when my future appointments would be etc.

My 12 week appointment (where I was actually 16 weeks) was so much better, I had a really helpful and friendly nurse who took the time to explain everything too me - it makes such a difference. I had my Downs bloods taken then due to the mix up with my dates, she tested urine, and offered to listen to hearbeat. She explained about the 20 week scan, and told me to make my next appointment for the midwife at 22 weeks. I'm in Ayrshire though, so I'm assuming you've not been offered a 20 week scan? 16 to 28 weeks does seem a long time without being seen? I would call up to confirm that you've been given the correct info.
This is very odd - you are supposed to also listen to the baby's heartbeat at the 16 week appointment?

At our clinic we alternate between seeing the midwife and the GP so perhaps your next appointment will be with your GP before the 28 week midwife appointment?
Thats sounds pretty sh1te. From what ppl have said on here every area of every city is different, mine is crap too. I never get the same mw twice.

Saw mw at 6weeks, then 12week scan, then 15weeks for triple test, then community mw has booked me in for 21 weeks (one week after next scan).

Not sure what can be done tbh. I would really love to have the same mw all the way thru as i have other health probs and panic about every different symptom and have no number to ring for advise. Plus you cant build a bond with mw if you dont have a regular one. (Sorry, I seem to have jumped on your rant and gone on to my own rant about mw's :oops: )
hi there I am in Glasgow too!!! I got seen every 6 weeks initially then it drops to every four weeks, they do a pee test Bp and have a poke and listen every time so to wait til 28 weeks doesnt seem right I would book and appointment for 6 weeks time.
How strange! :think:

At my 16 week appointment she checked my wee and blood pressure, listened to the babies heartbeat, told me my blood results from my 9week booking in appointment, checked my scan results and other notes and asked if I had any queries then made me a 25 week appointment and sent me on my way.

She didn't weigh me but it's probably obvious physically that I hadn't changed that much by 16weeks.

Like the others say I'd call them to double check that its right - I know different regions differ but it's not going to hurt to ring them and confirm.

Let us know how you get on :hug:
At my 16 week appt I had my blood taken for Downs test, my results from first blood tests explained, my wee tested, my BP taken, baby's heartbeat listened to and next appt made for 3 weeks time to get results for Downs test :hug: My MW sees me every 3 weeks to check wee, BP and measure baby but maybe thats just whats happens where I live :?
Thanks girls, im going to give them a call. Yea I havent had my blood results from last app or anything :think:
Hmm doesnt sound like they done much at all. I had lots of blood taken at the hospital Monday (including for the test for downs) and ive got my 16 apt with the midwife tomorrow :think:
It seems strange how midwife care varies so much around the UK. My appointments (either scan or midwife) are monthly and i assumed this was standard. It's a long time til your next appointment pasha :think:
I've just got back from my 16w appt. She:

- asked for my urine sample (I didn't have one - nobody had given me a container or asked me to do one!). She said never mind, will do next time.

- checked blood pressure

- asked if any problems. I mentioned my trip to A&E and she apologised for the 'substandard care' I'd received. Said no other problems, so that was quick!

- asked if I'd had any swelling. Asked if I'd had any movement (shouldn't have yet!).

- palpated abdomen, felt uterus, showed me where top of uterus was.

- listened for heartbeat.

- asked if any other questions.

Appt lasted about 10-15 mins.

I was told to make another appt immediately after my 22w scan (which is at 23w). So my next appt will be at 23w at the clinic. From what she says, there will be a 28w appt when she comes to my house to talk to me and DH together about birth plans.

All that happened at mine was the blood test, and she listened to bubba's heartbeat - no urine samples or BP checks. I'd already had the results of my bloods through the post (in fact, my MW didn't even know I was rhesus neg until I told her! :roll: )

However, I will have my BP and urine done at my anomaly scan (which I have at 21+5), then see my MW again at 26 weeks. Given that you won't have an anomaly scan, it doesn't seem right at all that you won't have any further checks before 28 weeks - especially as you'll need your MAT 1B form for SMP before then.
thats seems so silly
wen i went for my 16 weeks mw appointment they took my bloods, did my BP, listened to the heartbeat and gae me loads of leaflets and books to take away and afterwards said to me to come back at 22 weeks. n thn again at 26.
mayb its just my surgury, but you should complain or try to get an earlier appointment :)

best of luck

i know we are at the same hospital so i thought id let you know the appointments i have had so far

13 weeks (first one)
20 weeks
26 weeks
30 weeks
34 weeks
35 weeks (wasnt a sheduled one only because i was up the hospital on saturday)

and one next week
hi there :wave:

i had my booking at 8 weeks, went to see my m/w at 16 wks where she tested blood pressure and heartbeat.
i had my 25 week appointment yesterday. I have my 28 week appointment on the 9th, where i will have my bloods done.

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