16.5 months and not walking on her own - should I be worried


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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My LO is 16.5 months and although she will walk when she is holding onto something, she won't walk on her own. She has taken a few steps a couple of times, and started cruising at around 10 months, but just doesn't want to do the last bit.She was late to crawl (10.5 months - but apparently this can be down to the swimming). I'm not really worried - i think she is just concentrating on other things - her language and social skills are fab for her age, she's very good swimming, climbing, crawling and eating, and she is an absolute joy in every way. I just don't know anyone else whose child has taken so long - the latest seems to be about 14 months.
Has anyone had a similar experience?

DD didn't take her first unaided steps till she was 14 months and it was another month after that that she started properly walking, she just wasn't interested. I think some children just aren't bothered!
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Jack is 15 months now and no sign of walking. Like your LO he can cruise around the firniture no problem. He was also a late crawler too, about 11 1/2 months before he proper crawled, before that it was a commando crawl. He can't stand by himself yet either although he keeps practising that part and can stand for a whole 5 seconds now :cheer: :lol:
Maddison isnt walking on her own yet either. She walks around holding onto stuff but hasnt even attempted walking unaided :hug:
spounds like me as a baby, apparently early walkers are more accident prone later in life so don't knock it.

oliver has only just started to walk on his own, and he is still unsteady and falls down a lot. he was 17 months yesterday
Wouldnt panic, my daughter is only just letting go of the sofa now and getting her confidense. Your lo will do it in her own time
My girl was 18 months and Joe was about 16 months.
There was no build up either, they just got up and done it. I think that you might expect her to walk from something like the couch or table but my experience was that they got up in the middle of the floor and walked from there.
My friend's little boy was 18-19 months so I wouldn't worry too much hon :) By the time they get to school who cares whether they walked at 10 months or 20!
Thanks ladies - it is a relief to know she's not the only one - we seem to be surrounded by early walkers!
my brother was 2 before he walked - he wasn't slow, just lazy!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I wouldn't worry at all, she is capable but is probably just being cautious! Have some rest whilst she's still cruising because it won't be long before your chasing her everywhere!
Also my sister walked at 20 months. xxx
Alex is 15 months, and only a week and a half ago did he first pull himself up to stand!

Since then he's actually started cruising a little, which I'm very impressed about, but he's got a long way to go before he will walk unaided I expect.

Lydia on the other hand was walking unaided at 12.5 months.

All babies are different. My mother apparently didn't walk until she was 2 yrs old!
Update - she has started this week! I'm hoping she will be more confident by the time the baby comes but she seems to be getting there. Yay!!!!!!!!!
andreag said:
Update - she has started this week! I'm hoping she will be more confident by the time the baby comes but she seems to be getting there. Yay!!!!!!!!!

Yay! My daughter is properly walking now too, it just seemed to click into place this weekend. She still sometimes crawls, but loves to walk!

Well done Charlotte!

Valentine Xxx
millie is only a month older and altho she CAN and DOES walk sometimes- she still mostly gets about by walking on her knees :? :lol: :wall: she just prefers it for some reason- maybe she finds it easier and is lazy LOL

spoke to my HV about this and she said not to worry. as long as she CAN do it, if she chooses not to theres no need to worry. :hug:

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