15+ week scan picture

Sorry I've not been about, was back in hospital yesterday (seems like there are alot of poeple in and out right now) after a big bleed and thankfully the baby is fine. They are concerned about my cervix and that it's not going to do it's job well now or hold out so long so I've got to go ahead with the cervical scan next Tuesday as planned and see the consultant. Was a long day, GP (on Monday) had booked me to MK hospital, had the scan yesterday but as I'm under consultant care at Bedford for being high risk, they couldn't/wouldn't investigate further, so I had to see my community midwife at 2pm and she told me I had to ring Bedford and speak to my Consultant. Rang up the antenatel ward but was told to go in as they needed to do some investigations for themselves and they would contact the consultant to let her know I was there. Checked baby again and was fine, cervix is closed at the top so far but slightly open at the bottom. Got to wait to Tuesday to measure the length though as apparently it was too early to do it yesterday. Was going to keep me in coz of the cramps but instead came home with co-codymol and instructions to ring them direct if anymore bleeding or the cramps worsen. Feeling a bit bummed about it all, hoping I'm given the option to be stitched Tuesday. If my cervix is long it seems good for now and they just have to try and find out where the bleeding is coming from if it continues, if it's short then I think I'll be stitched, but I'm not entierly sure till we speak to the consultant again. Thought you might like to see my 15+ week baby picture. Didn't get the see or guess the sex as it was EPAU and the hospital don't tell you till 20 weeks, but we have our private sexing scan on Saturday at Babybond anyway.

sorry to hear you're not doing too well :hug:

Love your scan pic :cheer:

We're all findong out sexes aren't we over the next week, so exciting! :cheer:

Put your feet up and relax and let's hope you get some good news next Tuesday :hug:
Great scan piccy!!!

Sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly and had to go to hospital babes, really hope you're doing ok.

Good Luck for your scan on Saturday.......I'm guessing girl for you hun :cheer:
awwww lovely pic sami hun hope your feeling a bit better you take it easy hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
Sorry to hear youhave been in hozzie too :shock:
lots of us in and out at the mo!!! :roll:

Hope you are taking it easy, and fab piccie :cheer:

I am saying girl :hug:
Oooh im so excited to find out what sex it is i'm going to waiting for your return all day sat :p
Hope you're keeping ok Sami. The scan picture is fab!
Sami sorry you're having a rough time, i know what you're going through as i had the same with Abi and had to have my cervix scanned every 2 weeks but on the plus side i got loads of scan pics :)
Sorry to hear your having a bit of a rough time of it Sami.

Hope all goes well, and your baby pic is amazing.

Oh my God! That pic is amazing Sami! You can see his whole little body!
L x
sorry you've needed to be in hosp but an amazing scan pic

any boy/girl feelings?

Thanks for your messages girls.

Cloud, I'm thinking girl more than boy, but mainly coz last time I felt so strongly Damo was a boy and he was, and this time the feeling isn't so strong. I'm eating and drinking sweeter things and just feel generally different to last time. But I could be so wrong! Find out tomorrow I guess!! Lots of people saying girl to me though, might set up a vote like Emmylou :)

Aww lovely piccie hun, i think girl for u too babe! Cant wait for saturday!
Kinda sad we wont be finding out sex 2gether at xmas, but ur so damn impatient LMAO :rotfl: :rotfl: :hug:

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