15 Kids...and Counting


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Did anyone watch this on Channel 4 last night? I couldn't believe the mayhem! 2 loaves of bread and a full family multipack of crisps every day for pack-ups! Dread to think what their shopping bill must be like.

It was good to see that both families worked hard to supoprt their large families, particularly the dad who did 80 hour weeks in a bakery. But 15 kids still seems a little excessive to me. I'm already panicking over having one! I think when you have so many, at some level they must miss out on individual contact/time/attention with their parents. What did everyone else think?

P.s. One born every minute tonight...cue tears, cringes and a descending feeling of doooooom haha x
Oh i loved it, although wouldnt want any more than 4 myself. 3 is hubbys limit tho lol. Cant wait to see next weeks as from what out takes showed it seemed to show the other side of the coin so to speak. And i love OBEM cant wait to see tonights xx
ye i watched, it was crazy, i did admire the fact that they seemed to support there own famillies and work hard but 15 is just crazy, its a shame that both the mum and dad had been put up for adoption themselves. Think its a 3 part series so more next week :)

cant wait for OBEM tonight, best TV night of the week
I missed it I seen some of the girls say it was a good programme. I have a big family and it is hard but very rewarding I don't think I would have 15 all the same lol x
I think the fact they where both adopted was mainly why they wanted a big family, i think it was psychological trying to fill a gap or something.
I know that i would have hated it in a big family like that, it must be a constant struggle to get anything you need (homework help or comfort) when you have 14 brothers and sisters. It was bad enough with one!
I'd love a big family - maybe not quite 15 though, - if I thought DH would agree, and the finances would stretch. Lol. My dad's one of nine (with gran losing about 5) and I don't think any of them felt they missed out of stuff.

I'd guess anything they might miss out on from parents - like help with homework or something, there's always brothers/sisters. They all seemed soo close to each other.

The lady who had the 15 kids, something about her eyes like she had a bad case of the crazys. I don't like the idea of homeschooling so many children either it's just not practical.

Tuned in to OBEM and OH has decided to have an early night lol :-)
Was it the dugger,s? If it was, it,s on home and health and now gone up to 19 kids and counting:shock:
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nah it was some loony british lol.

At least in the UK we get free healthcare, tax creds etc, the Duggars must be bonkers.
Me and hubby watched this, gotta say i think theyre mad lol only cos i struggle now never mind with 15!!

I asked hubby how many he'd stop at after watching that, he said 4 would be his limit, this one we having number 3 n thats enough for me!!!

Just caught up with OBEM too, i have to watch it when dh in bed xx
I watched it, and I didn't like it. How can you give all those children the love and support that they need. You can't. You wouldn't be able to talk to one about their day, and have alone time to read a story, there would always be another child wanting or needing something.
Blimey must try to watch that on catchup, I struggle and Iv'e only got 4 ! Couldn't do 15
I watched it, and I didn't like it. How can you give all those children the love and support that they need. You can't. You wouldn't be able to talk to one about their day, and have alone time to read a story, there would always be another child wanting or needing something.

I have to say - i think thats a bit harsh. Yes alone time is all good and well - but surely a loving supporting family, with brothers and sisters you can confide in balanaces out that little bit less 1-1.

My dad comes from a big family - and its very common in the town he comes from - no idea why tbh - but my friends husband from the same place is one of 11, and his SIL is one of 13.

For years my dad and his siblings were all incredibly close - something that has filtered down to our generation - my cousin's kids are my neice's and nephews's to all intents and purposes.

I thought the family of 15 all seemed incredibly normal - all of those kids were excited to see the scan and the new baby - yes i know its edited, but the only thing they seemed to complain about was the noise. lol
I-Maclean. I don't think it matters about the size of the family you come from.

My mum is one of 9, and my dad is an only child. And my mum says she had a better up bringing that my dad. And all my aunts and uncles live in the same village. There children have spread out a bit.

It's not what I personally want for my children not to have 1 to 1 contact. I want them to tell me about their day when we are sitting around the dinner table like I did as a child. I have one other sister.

I wish them well, as they are paying for the children and are not on benefits. But I think that if one of them was being bullied or something was wrong, you wouldn't notice, as there are so many to look after.

We will never know really how a child thrives in different enviroments, as thats all they have ever known.
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Fair enough. everyone's entitled to there opinions. Different strokes for different folks an all that!! xxx
I only have 4 but I can assure you they all get equal and ample amounts of 1-1. We all share a large family meal around the table at the end of the day and it's wonderful, the more the merrier (I'm sure Amyrose would agree) c
I would love more, i said ideally 3 but hubby only wanted 2. Im happy im on my 3rd but i must admit even tho this pregnancy has been a pain in the bum i will sure miss being pregnant x

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