15 days late, negative hpt, not going to see the doc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Just updating you guys, and I'm feeling a bit down so I'm hoping that getting everything off my chest will cheer me up a smidge.

Well I'm now 15 days late, I must have taken about 8 or 9 tests and they are all unmistakably negative. I wouldn't be squinting to see a line at this stage if I was pregnant.
I've been having a few pains around my abdomen, on both sides but mainly on my left, as well as a pulling/stretching sensation around there too.
I'm now petrified I have PCOS or something. I really thought I would have conceived by now, we've been trying since June!

I have docs appt booked for 7th Nov but I think I'm just going to cancel it, and if I don't get AF next month I'll rebook another appt. I don't wana go after missing just 1 period.

We're moving tomorrow so I have something to keep me pre-occupied at least.

Sorry gals this thread is a bit pointless, I just needed to vent a bit.

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Hi hun, it took me 7 months to conceive my first and was told on average it can take around a year. Fingers crossed you can get some answers on why you are late but there is still time yet hun xx
:hug: your thread isn't pointless hun.

Keep the appointment, you need to know if there is a reason you have missed af even if it's just stress. Our bodies are very finely balanced and stress isn't always that obvious. In a short amount of time you've got married, been ttc and moving home, probably 3 of the most stressful things you can do.

Also some women just don't get positives on hpt's and you might need a blood test for your bfp. Don't give up hope for this month just yet. Try to keep your chin up and loads of luck and hugs to you xxxxxxxxxx
My OH and I have been trying since June and had no luck so far. I've had symptoms but I don't feel they've been enough.

AF due today, tested this morning, BFN.....gutted!!!

I would defo keep the appt as they may tell you something a test isn't

Fx for you xx
Hi Sorry im still quite new to all this but when you say 15 days late do you mean you therefore Ov around 30 days ago, saying this as (just learnt) I know AF happens upto 16 days after OV so wanted to ask what you mean by 15 days late?

Like I said sorry if im asking a really Obv questions but dont ask dont learn! LOL x
Thanks girls. Its just so disheartening seeing the BFN every time. And I got my hopes up this month because I was late and didn't test early because I was fed up of BFN's!

DH wants me to keep the appointment but I don't think I will, as I will be a week away from my next AF due date so I might just wait it out.

Moving isn't stressing me out at all, living where we are now has actually been quite stressful for the past 15 months so moving is a blessing! I really wanted to move into the new place with good news.

I became an aunt again during the week too, and my new nephew Ryan is just gorgeous, but holding him breaks my heart because I just want my own :(

Ugh, this sucks lol.

I'll just throw myself into getting my new place sorted out (its really beautiful and I'm so happy to be moving) and if still no AF next month, I'll go to the docs. I'm not a big drinker so staying off it won't be a problem til then :)

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Pink butterfly - yes I OV'd about this time last month (and we BD'd)

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That's another thing actually - I should be OVing right about now and I'm not.
But I spose if no AF, I wouldn't OV would I?

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Try to keep up with positive thinking hun, like babybrain says stress can interfere with your cycle. I know its not easy when you are TTC but my fingers are crossed for you xx
Ok hun, a bit confused but i have got a lot to learn :) I thought that stress (and lot of other things) can delay Ov but after you do OV the egg is on its way so has to come out (sorry didnt know how to put that in a professional way LOL) - unless i am totally wrong!

like I said i am new to all this so you prob know a lot more about what is going on but maybe you should go and see the doc....think of it like this - it wont hurt and if he can give you some good news or even good advise it will be worth the couple of hours! :) x
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Hi Jayjay, so sorry you've not been having the best of times, we were starting to worry about you, hopefully you get things resolved. Keep the doctor appointment, and we're here for you xx
Thanks ladies. I'm busying myself today by packing up the rest of the things and tryin not to think about it. I'm bobbin to Michael Jackson CD's to take my mind off things lol.

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Hi jayjay, my advice would be to go to the docs. I went a couple of weeks ago as we have been ttc since Jan with no joy and as I said in a previous post to you my periods are anything between 28 and 46 days. I nearly cancelled my appt as I felt silly bothering him but he was great and really put my mind at rest. The doctors are there to help and hopefully it will make you feel better about things. Keep smiling and best of luck with your move. Hope you are really happy in your new home xx
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Hello jayjay - i agree with tanya! if nothing else the opportunity to vent to someone that will have the answers may be just what you need!

I hear you about the moving house stress - i moved house, got married, went on honeymoon and started new job all in two weeks and a week later was in hospital through overdoing it! Take it easy; stress has got a lot to answer for luvvy x

Cheers girls.

Ok I think I will keep the docs appointment just to see what he says. I guess it can't do any harm.

Thanks so much girlies :)


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Getting checked out won't do any harm at all, the first blood tests are a good indication if there is anything amiss plus it's not as intrusive to your body as internal scans, dye tests etc so if your bloods come back ok and if in another 6-7 months you still haven't had a bfp then you have half the ball rolling and can investigate it further.

Good luck & you sound like you have had alot on your plate so fx it's babymaking sailing from here on in!x

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