15 1/2 wks and bleeding!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2005
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Hi All!

Today was the worst day of my life... At work and went to the toilet and I was bleeding omg! Such a worry.....I have called the odctors and she is going to call the hospital and get me in for a scan ASAP to see if everything is ok! She said theyw ill prob be able to fit me in in the next couple of days.... I am so sick a couple of days of waiting to see if everything is ok....

Love Danielle and Bubble xx
I hope you get a scan asap for your sake. Are you home and resting babe? keep us posted.

Thinking of you and bump - I'm sure you will be fine xxx
I am so worried that I will have to take all the stuff back that I have bought,, But most of all I am worried about my baby... I know bleeding can mean a lot of things but for some reason I am thinking the worst... I hope everything is ok....
I know it's easier to say thn actually done, but try not to worry too much, you'll just worry little bump.

Keep positive xxx
I know... I am sure things are fine.. well I hope so it's just hard not to worry. especially knowing that 4 months is nearly half way through your pregnancy... I hope I have not suffered for nothing xx
hope all is ok. might just be your placenta. my friend had bleeding at 29 weeks and they said it was just premenstral blood that had got stuck in the cervix when she first fell preg and it had only just got through the plug!! so it could be n e thing. try not to worry n just enjoy puttin ur feet up xxx
I know.... Lets just think happy thoughts eh! The pic of your baby is great... was that your 20wk scan?
Please try not to worry and as sami said rest as much as you can, that mean no lifting etc. If you don't want to wait for a scan can you admit yourself into hospital, as i know the waiting game can be agonising.
Your in my thoughts - keep us posted
yeh its amazingly clear. theres a bigger one in the tummy pics thread. i had to go bk twice coz when i lay on my bk he sits in the same position everytime and the nurse couldnt mearsure him. he'd covered his face most of the consoltaion but he breifly start to rub his hands on my belly and she got that pic thats what that blob is above his head!

If you read lots of posts there have been many women that have suffered bleeding at your time and then gone on to have a healthy baby so don't get too dispondant, although that is easier said than done I know.

Take care of yourself & good luck with the scan

Ragna x
Hi Dani,

look after yourself and rest- I hope that guy of yours is running around after you and if he isn't call on your family or friends- you sound like you could do with some tlc.

As Ragna said it could be any number of perfectly normal things and your doctor is on the case

I'm thinking of you and sending positive vibes :)

Hi, I hope you are ok. I know exactly what you are going through, two weeks ago, around 15 1/2 weeks also, I experienced bleeding! It was the worst feeling in the world. I went to hospital and had the scan plus an internal and everything was fine, the baby's heartbeat was very strong.

I was also thinking the worst and what made it worse was the doctors faces at the amount of blood I'd lost!

Anyway everything was fine, I had a follow up scan which was also fine. I continued to bleed for a couple of weeks, and had heavy horrible discharge which also got me worried.

Apparently alot of women experience this in pregnancy and carry on and have a normal healthy pregnancy!

Keep resting and keep your chin up Im sure it will all be fine.

Keep us informed.

Love Lou & Light snack

Sorry I have not been on here for a while I have been resting since I had a bleed.... I went for my scan today and everyhting was fine... It was all so emotional, the last time I saw my baby I was 9wks (just a blob ) but this time you could see everything the baby was moving all over the screen, would not keep still and the dr was trying to measure it. lol.. My babies little legs were crossed,,, so cuet.. I am so happy! Everything now seems so real..
Thankyou all for yur support...
Love Danielle and Bouncing Bubble xx
So glad all is well- I was really worried when you went quiet :)

I am so glad all Is well too. I got to see a really detailed image of my baby and that image is stuck in my head... my head feels so light... its a great feeling..... I have a proper little baby inside me xx

Thankyou all for your support xx

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