I have such a bad pain inbetween my ribs? feels like heat burn but gaviscon hasn't even taken the edge off it! what could it be? owwwww Im in so much pain and Ella has just woken up
it could even be wind . I've had seriously bad heart attack pains that have turned out to be wind! Try sipping some peppermint tea and relax. You'll probably be farting your way through the afternoon before you know it!
yes you're probably going to have a massive fart pretty soon if you've not already done it as i type Lauz! The force of it may be pretty strong so batton yourself down on the sofa and adopt the crash postition!
Its probably musculo-skeletal and will get better on its own. However, if its a heavy crushing pain in the centre of your chest or radiates to your left arm or jaw, you need to seek medical attention! (nursing lecture over)
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