13 weeks today. Does worry ever stop


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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I only had my scan Monday and yet I'm still worrying. I just seem to be worried something is gonna go wrong even though I've managed to get to 13 weeks. Maybe it's coz I'm not showing as I'm a big girl. When does the worry stop xxxx

I don't think it stops till you give birth hun and then you have a whole new set of worries. Your past the stage where things usually go wrong so now you got to try to relax and enjoy. A doppler might put your mind at ease your mind or make it worse lol...Everything will be great you'll be holding little one before you know it xxxxx
Huni, after my 12 week i was worried to get to 16 midwife appointment. now 17 weeks and worried to get to my 20 week scan.
joys of being a mum to be. preparing us. ive never got this far in a pregnancy.
Tell me about it! I'm 13+1 today and although I'm quite slim, I'm just showing a hard little bump that has been roughly the same since week 10. I don't think the worry is ever over - but try to be proud that you've got so far! It's amazing! Look after yourself! x
Can honestly say my worrys are not that bad this time, now I've seen the baby on scan. I know that I carried leo and had no problems and never had miscarriage so thats one less thing that I could have worried about. x

Hope you feel better at ease soon x
Belle and KarenC I agree the worry never ends but u ladies are tri 2'ers now, so get ur bums moving and enjoy the next stage of ur pregnancy!! Xx
Belle and KarenC I agree the worry never ends but u ladies are tri 2'ers now, so get ur bums moving and enjoy the next stage of ur pregnancy!! Xx

Eep! Kanga, I'm terrified to move to tri2! It's too scary (even though it's a good thing) ! :oooo: :shock: It'll be OK once you join us, though! xx
tri 2 isnt too bad haha, but i agree i wish the worrying would stop but mothers intuition and all that, x
I have another week nd a day to get to tri 2!! It is exciting but scary to have gotten this far :) xx
Am I??? I thought its was the end of this week. Will midwife be able to hear hb with a Doppler now. I'm gonna go to walk in centre to just be checked. I've had brown discharge and now a little worried xxx

U are in week 14 now, so can 'graduate' to tri 2 :)

Not sure if ur midwife will b able to hear heartbeat, they don't usually check until 16 weeks xx
You don't stop worrying Hun I can't lol and I'm 17 weeks and not had a scan since I was 12 weeks so got to wait till 4th of January to see my little bump again I think your always going to worry until your holding your little one in your arms the last time I saw my mw I heard my baby's heartbeat it was amazing then I got a Doppler and now I listen to it every chance I get :) xxxxxx so try not to worry hunny easier said then done I know but try to enjoy been pregnant xxxxx

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Well I just said to hubby that I think I wanna get a Doppler as it will always put my mind at rest. I always have worry weeks normally just after I saw baby last time at 10 weeks now I'm having my worry day purely because of this discharge xxx

im really scared!

this is my first and my mum has had three miscarriages, all at 3 months, so i wont relax until i get past 3 months! even then ill probably be worried!

im a natural pessimist anyway :(
Well I can say hunny there really good and go see what the doc says I am sure you and bump will be fine Hun fingers crossed for you xxxxxxx

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Yeah well I'm a big girl and I always assume my weight will cause alot of trouble etc but so far things have been fine. I suppose things have spent a lot of time going wrong lol and after my mmc 2 years ago u always kind of assume it will happen again. But I have managed to get to 13 weeks so far, just scared I suppose cxc

I know how you feel hun I'm the same after my mc but got a lot further this time try not to worry Hun big hugs xxxxxxx

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