13 dpo and the witch came and went


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
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Well i thought great the witch has got me 3 days early and i am currently 13 dpo and the witch came but it has all stopped , it only lasted a few hours grrrr.

The annoying thing is i was assured after the last two months of spotting through my cycle, i would have a normal one this month because i was told i was near ovulating within the next few days at my scan appointment that was on the 6th of this month, it looks like it's not the case :( so i am in for another screwed up month :wall2:

I am seriously going to give up trying to conceive at the moment. I have had enough.
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Oh no snoop - I've literally just posted on your other thread. I'm so sorry - if it was only a little bit and early could this not be implantation bleeding rather than AF? Don't want to raise your hopes unnecessarily but have my FX for you that you still might get your BFP - when was AF due? x
Thanks i doubt it was implantation, i have spotting the last two month since i have lost my baby and i guess it the same this month stupid doctors assured me my cycle would be fine since i was near ovulating at the scan grrr.

I was not due on till the 24th July but hey just have to ride it out again.

Sorry for ranting i am mad at my self for hoping this could be my month :(
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I was just reading up on implantation bleeding and it is basically referred to as a few drops of brown/pink which does not look like a normal period.

Sound familiar?

My personal outlook is to just wait until the first day of your next cycle and if she doesn't show up or if it is very usual, take a test.

Ignore anything else before this because it could just be a million and one things that don't indiciate anything conclusive about whether you are pregnant or not.

I'm sorry you feel so disheartened, but it is just impatience. It will happen at some point as long as you keep at it :)
It was lighter than my cycles before it was more a watery red sorry tmi . I can't help feeling like this it's been a tough few months and when i lost my baby in December i never had this problem.

I am just going to take a back seat now and consentrate on my new job and still come on here and chat to folk. I won't be testing again this month i don't see the point as i said its probably not implantation because of my last two cycles look like it and it was not.
Sending you a big hug snoop. I bet if you relax it will all sort itself out (I know easier said than done!) I think you have been so brave and can't imagine what you went through with your MC. Sending you lots of :dust:
Jodie x
Thanks, I am going to take some time away from ttc and just get started on my new job and focus on that.

I will nip on now and again to see how you all are doing take care and good luck ttc

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