12 year old attitude!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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How do u cope? I know it's gonna get worse b4 it gets netter but his attitude stinks!

He's supposed to do his homework on the night he gets it,he doesn't get a lot anyway and not a lot to ask. Anyway,he came down yesterday evenin with a full weeks worth of homework,all due in today! He had to ask me 4 help on most of it cos he'd forgotten the subject matter so I told him he wasn't goin to youth club this week-I got a text askin if he could go whilst he was on his way home from school-I replied no-omg his attitude wen he walked in was horrendous...it's Ryan against the world! So I ended up callin his dad who came round and has taken him to his house for the night. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad but I'm really not in the physical or emotional state for an all night argument wiv him. It doesn't help that my 9 yr old is walkin around with a black eye were my eldest punched him the other day!

How does every1 else cope wiv stroppy kids??
ive got a stroppy 10 year old and god when she starts she really starts im dreading her getting older if she gets told off she will take it out on her sister and say some horrible things to her so she ends up grounded for longer she really clashes with my dh he isnt her real dad and she doesnt seem to be able to stop her gob with him so im always having to step in thankfully she listens to me if she strops off up stairs stomping her feet and slamming doors we call her back down and make her walk back up nicely without the mood this seems stop her from getting a major moody head on
only way to make sure he does his homework is in from school homework before he gets to do anything else but i know how hard it is to keep on track when you have a few kids
i make sure they have cleaned there rooms befor ethey go out too :)
My 12 year old is exactly the saem. He doesnt bother with the homework either, and his room - looks like we've been burgled!
i check the homework diary andmake her do it every night nothing worse than teen attitude tho mol likes her door slamming
Glad it's not just me. DD is 12 and seriously full of attitude!! GodI wanna slap her sometimes!!
My daughter is 11 and isn't too bad. I just let her do her homework when she wants though. I just tell her that it's not me that is going to have to face the teacher and get into trouble at school, so if she doesn't do it then it's on her head. That usually works, i use that a lot when it comes to her school stuff. She gets herself up in the mornings as well as I told her if she is late coz she can't get out of bed then I'm not going to make any excuses for her. She has to learn to look after herself is the way i look at it. Don't get me wrong, she does have her moods but then i just be as annoying back or ignoring her seems to do the trick. ( at the moment :lol:).
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ou are soo right Emma !

My 12 year old gets loads of homework from his school and projects and I struggle with him. I have that homework hanging over my head not his till it's done (feel like i'm still at school myself!!) When we sit down together, (thought it would help him , helping him start himself off, it's worse!) He does it in the end , but doesn;'t use a ruler to underline, does it on scrappy paper and tells me he lost the large pad of A4 Lined paper I just got him!! He has lost his school locker key and refuses to hang up his blazer when he gets in!!

He wanted to go to a freinds today, so I said he had to do a project by the time he left or not go.
It was an art one with different sections to it. So when the internet went down which he needed , he used that for the excuse he couldn't do the other bit, so I said he had to tidy his room, then Devon fell asleep, so I put him in the cot and banned him from going upstairs and being noisy to wake him up, so he couldn't do that, so then we did the practial drawing art bit. he did do some, but needed soo much help from me and was really rude and ungrasteful for my help and because of this help , I had , had to come in from gardening (while devon had 45 mins nap), that I lost my garden time when he woke up. So I then made him go out there and move bricks and dig up for me to replace the time I lost!!! Hahhh ha so the project is only half done, he went to his mates, but I got my revenge!!!
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I've introduced a pocket money scheme were he gets so much a day but any attitude/bad brhaviour then he loses that days money and it seems to be working. Although he's decided that he wants a contract phone and I had 4 hours of tantrums cos there's no way on earth he's having one! And he wants to go to new York next year-only £800!!! That's double what I've paid for all 6 of us to go away this year!!
Ah the trials and tribulations of a teenager! I've been there and still have out moments at 14. He's a really smart kid most of the time but he's banned from his ps3 right now as his attitude was starting to stink on there and also he didn't have a great report. He's got so much potential and it's frustrating that he thinks it's fine that he doesn't revise and be happy with a c or d! He just doesn't seem to care about anything other than this girl he met on his ps3 network which lives in Nottingham (we're in wales) and who he's never met!

We do talk a lot though, I try and make him see where I'm coming from and vice versa. We try and compromise then.
You have my sympathies i have a 15 /14/10 and 8 year olds it gets increasingly harder from about the age of ten up ....take lots of deep breaths and try and remember just how much you loved those tiny babies and how much you still do love them even when it feels like you dont like the way they behave very much.... you may have more stressful moments tha fantastic moments for a while but it will get better with time

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