12 weeks scan - updated with photo :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2006
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rang them at lunch time in the end as I was getting too impatient!
is next Monday 15th Jan at 2.45pm :dance: :cheer:

Cannot wait to see out little bean again (hopefully :pray:)

Am going to take the afternoon off work - save having to explain to my boss (from previous experience they are always running at least 1 hour late so prob would not make it back to work afterwards)

feeling really excited now, with the odd wave of anxiety!

Had a massive panic attack yesterday at how we are going to afford me not working for 6 months, got really upset! DH has been fab, as usual, got home at lunchtime and he had done a spreadhseet of our incomings/outgoings and what we needed to budget for for the next 6 months and when I am on maternity leave! Just got to convince myself I can only spend £130 a month on myself and we will be fine!
Hiya :wave:

Oh great news that you got a scan date... well done for being pushy :wink: Sometimes it's necessary with the NHS! :roll:

Have you told your work yet about the baby? I haven't... and it's getting harder by the week. At first I thought I'd never be able to keep it a secret but now it's easy and I don't want to tell them at all! LOL :rotfl:

I also have money panics from time to time. Budgeting is something on my agenda too. One of my friends told me she got a 6 month mortgage "holiday" when she had her daughter. I'm considering doing the same as I am the main wage earner.

No..... not telling my boss for a while yet. Am due a review and am desperate for some more responsibility as I am really very bored, but fear I will get side lined if I tell him too early.

That said... I have been asked to take some customer to north Wales next week, entertain them for the evening then take them on a site visit the next day - about 5 hours driving each day + a night out..... so not sure how I will manage that one, I cannot stay awake past 10pm at the moment, let alone entertain 6 strangers! Hope a take away in front of Big Brother is OK for them :D

My DH is very good at money - thank god, I am terrible... is going to be a struggle, but we do have a very comfortable lifestyle so are just going to have to cut back, think it is a problem having kids older, you get a bit used to having your own money!!
I have the same fear as you of being side lined Top Bird. I'm managing a small dept of 2 within a larger section of about 18. I think the manager of the larger section is just waiting to "pounce" on my team. :think: So I'll keep hold of the news a little bit longer yet.

Not sure I'd manage that day you have planned either. The latest I'm up these days is about 11pm and, since I've been off work, I've been sleeping in till 10.30 every day! Can you get someone else to step in or make it a bit more of a laid back day?

It is true about getting used to having a comfortable lifestyle. I feel that too. But at least it means I have the choice this time around of working part time or from home if I want after the baby is born.

Take care :hug:
even worse now - my boss is coming on the trip next week too so he is going to notice I am not drinking! I am known for having a wine habit!!

Am going to fake a January detox I think!

Isn't it sad we still have to worry about discrimination these days, so much for equal rights hey!
Hi ladies,

I did loads and loads of research today and found out that even with my work's cr*ppy offer of statutory maternity pay for the 9 months - we're actually entitled to loads of benefits etc - you guys probably know all this already, but the Working Families factsheets are excellent and informative reading.

I didn't think we'd be entitled to anything, but yes!

Tax Credits and Benefits

Maternity Leave and Pay

Even so, we're not financially comfortable at the moment, so I won't be missing out on much! We are thinking about the 6 month mortgage holiday too, even if only to get some savings behind us for future baby things like clothes etc - I know Northern Rock definitely do it if that helps.

Love to you both and the wee ones!

Valentine xxx

yes - my husband does not miss a trick, has calculated all the benefits we will get into the figures already! I was such a nightmare with money before I met him, totally sorted me out!

getting nervous about my scan now....... keep on waking up in the night thinking about all the what ifs etc.... am convinced I am not pregnant at the moment as I feel so normal.
Had our 12 week scan today! was incredible.... little baby was waving and kicking, just amazing......

here is the photo (hopefully!)

:dance: :cheer: :clap:

Lovely clear piccy ! it must be the organic veg you've been feeding him :cheer:
(soz I read about that on valentines diary and I too am a freak who grows stuff :D
aww thats a lovely pic mine are never that clear!!
the face is really clear.

glad all went well hun :hug:

did they keep you with the same due date?
thanks for the replies!

My due date is still 29th July 07..... was hoping it wold move into August.... just a couple of days later, would help psycologically (sp!) as we have 6 family birthdays, my brothers wedding and DH's parents 40th wedding anniversary in July! seems like such a mad month to be having a baby as well...

you are right - must be all the veges I have been eating jocymum!

I am really chuffed with the photo, she printed it zoomed in which I was not sure they could do :D

Still does not seem that real, though it does feel like a weight has been lifted.... parents have been given permission to tell the world now and we have told a few more of our friends already!
Hi topbird,

What a lovely pic! Yay for you!

See you in 2nd tri soon!


Valentine xxx
aww what a lovely pic :D so glad it all went well for you :)

yep we will see you in second tri soon :)
topbird said:
Had our 12 week scan today! was incredible.... little baby was waving and kicking, just amazing......

here is the photo (hopefully!)

:dance: :cheer: :clap:


it looks like mine :shock: :D

Thats great hun what a cute ,clear pic!!
Maybe you will go into August and not July!! menaing you would be over due though. :D

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