12 Week Scan **Updated with pics **

Awww cute pics hun! at my 12 week scan we got great pictures (1 of mine is in tri 2 section just now if you want to see), but shortly after baby turned away from the camera, was so cute and actually made me giggle! :-) x

Aww scottishlassie just had a look your pic is great its really clear. It took ages to try and get anything i had to keep going to the toilet as they said my bladder was too full i only drank just over a pint an hour before, three time they made me go to the loo!

Watch s/he move was amazing though, I bet your looking forward to your next scan are you going to find out the sex? all along I have been saying I definitely will but now im not so sure might keep it as a surprise at least I have a few weeks left to decide xxx
I love the upside down pic!!! They are so much more wriggly than you expect arent they!!!
Thanks Ladies!

They are bunnykins, i couldn't believe it, your scan pic on your avatar is so clear xx
Looks like baby is sucking its thumb in the first image...

It is amazing what we are able to create. :-) Still cannot believe I have one of them growing in me...
Awwww congrats hun and love how the little one played up lol great aren't they, little tinkers x
Thanks Ladies!

They are bunnykins, i couldn't believe it, your scan pic on your avatar is so clear xx

I had to have an internal ultrasound as my wriggler wouldn't turn right to measure the nuchal bit so the scan is really clear as there was no skin layer to get through!!
Great news, I'm glad it went well for you today! :) only 3 more weeks until my turn :) xx
Awww cute pics hun! at my 12 week scan we got great pictures (1 of mine is in tri 2 section just now if you want to see), but shortly after baby turned away from the camera, was so cute and actually made me giggle! :-) x

Aww scottishlassie just had a look your pic is great its really clear. It took ages to try and get anything i had to keep going to the toilet as they said my bladder was too full i only drank just over a pint an hour before, three time they made me go to the loo!

Watch s/he move was amazing though, I bet your looking forward to your next scan are you going to find out the sex? all along I have been saying I definitely will but now im not so sure might keep it as a surprise at least I have a few weeks left to decide xxx

Glad you enjoyed your scan hun it is an amazing experience. Yup we're going to find out the sex if we can :-) really hope we can! I'm so excited it's unbelievable. It's crazy how time flies as well, it only feels like the other week I had my 12 week scan! I've always wanted to find out mainly for deciding on names so we can focus on just boy or girls names also so we can buy things :-). Yeah least you have a while to decide if you want to find out :-), I know someone who knows what they are having but is keeping it a secret till their baby is born! I don't think I'll be able to hold it in for a second hehe xxx
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Thanks again ladies

meggymum- your scan will be here before you know it! :)

Scottishlassie- Im so excited for you, yeh I know what im like I will get to the 20 week scan and I will just end up finding out, think it would kill me to wait another 20 weeks lol :lol:
Aww what cute pics! Looks like you have a future athlete on your hands! Glad it all went well :) x x x
Aww Thanks Bella, I think it must be a boy, my hubby seems to think a girl xx

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