12 week scan tomorrow.. excited AND nervous!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012
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Hi Girls! :wave:

I've got my 12 week scan at 10.15am tomorrow and I'm still a bit confused as to what to expect. Nobody's really spoken about the tests I'm being offered - will they be doing those tomorrow do you think?

Ooooo I can't wait to see our little bean - hopefully we might get a wave!

Just praying that everything looks OK in there, I will try to put up a picture
as soon as I can!

Thanks for any advice in advance girls! xxx
We got scanned and then I went into the clinic to get a load of blood tests done and a good chat with the midwife. I was completely clueless going in and midwife explained everything to me and wrote it all down for me too. I struck gold with my sonographer. Just be sure and ask any questions that come to you when you get there.

I had my booking appt at the same time though - so dunno what was what tbh
Thanks Tweety, it's all very confusing! Hopefully I'll be lucky with the staff tomorrow too x
hey i was the same i was completley confused i didnt know what i had to take or anything.
i had my bloodtest done too.. i had the one that tests for downs as i had already had my booking in appointment and had one bloodtest done already. then i had my scan done which was amazing the baby was on its head as my bladder wasnt full enough or somthing so i had to jiggle around to move him which took ages so make sure you drink loads
just ask when your there and they will tell you what to do etc

good luck xx
Thanks Mrs H, I'll take a bottle of water with me!
Shouldn't have too much trouble with the full bladder thing though, I seem to permanently need a wee!!!
thats ok hun i want to see my LO again now! x
Best of luck!

As the other's say if you've already had your booking appointment your scan will be just the scan (and bloods if you are being screened for DS)

You don't even see a MW at my hospital for 12 week scan - I think it's just the sonographer and nurse that does the bloods!

It will all be fine, they were very helpful and explained everything at our hospital,
Just went in, laid down, didn't even have to take my shoes off! and baby was on the screen in a minute, wrong way mind, baby needs to be in right position for the measurements, so we had a jiggle, dance and a coffee and a doughnut before we got our picture, at least we had longer watching him, amazing to see him and more amazing to see him moving :)
No advice to offer but wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow x
Just wanted to wish you the best for tomorrow! Hope everything goes well!

Thank you all for your lovely messages! xxx I'll show you a piccy as soon as I can :)

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