10 movements....


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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ok so at this stage the midiwfes always say you should feel atleast 10 movements or be concerned basically..

my LO has gone alot less wriggly over last few days..

normally by now he'd have moved easily 10 times plus (just in morning)

my question is, i have a dopler, and can hear his lil HB and it sounds ok, but hes not moved (well not felt him move) this morning..

i know hes fine/resting..

so for eg.. if i dont feel 10 movements by this evening should i be worried, even tho i can hear his heartbeat? xxx
Try having a cold drink of water & a wee lie down.

Yesterday I was at the hospital & was hooked up to a fetal heart monitor while they were looking into my high BP & my wee one didn't move for ages, once I had the water the soon woke up, then he got the hiccups :lol:

He's most likely just sleeping or having a lazy day but if your worried phone the hospital. Yesterday they said to me if I was every concerned just to phone them. Even though you have doppler & know he's ok I would still expect to feel him move 10 times :hug: :hug: :hug:
This happens to me all the time. He has got more and less active days. I find him to move more if I have sugary food / drinks. When I get worried I drink a can of coke. It works wonders on him :) I also play very loud music to wake him up.. Give it a go hun :hug:
I also tend to start prodding my belly to get him moving!

maybe you've been busy so you might not have noticed him moving. I have some days when I don't notice purely for the fact I haven't sat down all day.

As other ladies have said, take a rest, have a cold drink and hopefully you'll feel bubs moving! :D
i think they say 10 movemnets in 12hours, like u i usually get loads more than that but have had the odd quiet day.

if u are sure its the heart beat on the doppler then i dont think it would hurt to count the heart rate and if u dont get more movemenets u can call the mw and discuss it with her and tell her the heart rate and how many movemnets uv had

i reckon have a sit down witrh ur feet up :D i find if im too busy sometimes i dont notice the movements! if not id call her for reassurance but i honestly dont think theyll be a prob, it seems to me everytime iv looked up the number our baby has woke up and started to dance like mad!! :D
My Midwife told me off for relying on my doppler and not contacting her or anti natal dept when I had my quiet days... she calls me a DIY Midwife :rotfl:

They would prefer it if you phoned if there are fewer movements just so they can note it and check you over just to be on the safe side.

Sarah xxx
Charlotte if this helps you feel a little bit more reassured hun - after all the goings on during friday arvo and saturday.. sunday and yesterday my little one was really really quiet - had slight movements with only about half an hour of more definate movements both days... today he's back to his normal wriggly self...
Im sure LO is fine and just resting! Getting ready for being born!! :cheer: But I would definitely call and check with the MW if you dont feel 10 movements just to put your mind at ease if anything else hun! Thats what they are there for after all!! :D
in my area they have stopped counting movements and just say is it active or not so if you are in any doubt you need to ask your midwife for advice.
hennaly said:
in my area they have stopped counting movements and just say is it active or not so if you are in any doubt you need to ask your midwife for advice.

Same here, as every baby is different. Im just advised to contact hospital if there a dramatic change in my babys pattern.
hi hun, just wondered if everything is ok? Have you contacted your midwife? I'm sure everything is fine, and bubs is just having a quiet day! :)
.Christina. said:
hi hun, just wondered if everything is ok? Have you contacted your midwife? I'm sure everything is fine, and bubs is just having a quiet day! :)

hey girlies.. yeh everything ok, hes being more quiet, i'm hoping its a sign hes saving his energy for his birthday lol xx
Hey hun i was just going to say the same as some have already said i had this with DD and she wasnt moving around alot i also asked about the 10 movements and they tbh it was all old hat and unless you noticed anything different with babys movements then not to worry :)
It could also be LO is engaged as then they tend to not be as able to move around as much. And often babies as they get near to being born do tend to get quieter. Mind you saying that some don't. Also don't forget babies sleep while in there. Your LO may be having a lot of sleep in readiness for making an appearance.

If you are getting your 10 movements in 12 hours I'd not worry overly tbh. I used to note my 10 over 12 hours easily. If LO had 10 minutes of wriggling, that was one movement, a big turn round was another. Then I'd have a few kicks, would be three and so on. After 12 hours LO had clocked up masses of these kinds of movements.

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