10 months trying for second baby! HELP!


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Jan 28, 2011
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Hi, I'm feeling a little desperate and would like some advice please. We have been trying for our second child for 10 months. I came off the pill in April last year and have been tracking my cycle with an ovulation device from day one. We have always made sure we have sex on my fertile days so cant understand how I am not pregnant yet. My cycles have always been fairly irregular but for the past 4 months have been 34 days exactly. What does this mean? Just not sure what else to try, any advice would be greatly received. Thanks :)
Hey Loopylou22 :wave:

Sorry to hear your TTC journey hasn't gone quite to plan yet but keep positive, isn't necessarily a case of 'if' I can get pregnant, it's 'when' I can get pregnant

Have you thought about seeing your doctor & getting your blood analysed? I know some of the girls on here have 21 day bloods taken just to confirm they are ovulating

Hi Kezzamunster,
Thanks for your support. I was aiming at leaving it a year before seeing the doctor because I remember reading somewhere that something like 85% of couples get pregnant between 6-12 months. Also I am using a device called a 'persona' its actually designed to be a contaceptive device but can be reversed as an ovulation calculator. It clearly shows that I ovulate about day 20-21 of my cyle by displaying an egg icon. So I think I can gage from this that I must ovulate.
Hi LoopyLou :wave:
Sorry to hear you're having a time of it. I think it must be really frustrating and bewildering for ladies who've gotten preg easily in the past to find the second time round not so easy. Try not to worry because it's really common. I always mention myleene klass at this point who went 18 months TTC her second. You won't be that long!! I'm just saying it to reassure u that loads of women go through that but they're perfectly fine and it happens in the end xxxxx
Thats good to know, I think its only a natural reaction that you think its something wrong with yourself. and I do know plenty of women that have taken well over 12 months to fall pregnant so I need to just remember that and keep going! Thanks all for your support.
Thats good to know, I think its only a natural reaction that you think its something wrong with yourself. and I do know plenty of women that have taken well over 12 months to fall pregnant so I need to just remember that and keep going! Thanks all for your support.

It's totally a natural fear. I fear I'll never have them just cos it's taken more than 2 mins to happen - lol all those years of being told you'll get preg after just one cheeky roll in the hay!! You'll get there hun - we all will :dust:
Contrary to popular belief and what we read/hear about people getting pregnant after one night stands and while on the pill etc etc, it takes most women on average over 12 months to conceive.

When I first came off the pill to ttc my son, I really expected to get pg the first month and was really surprised and disappointed when I didn't.

Don't be upset hun, you will get there it just doesn't happen immediately for everyone. Sending you lots of:dust:
I am a dance teacher, and surrounded by mums everyday. most know we are TTC and lots of them said it takes a while to get pregnant!! Most of them took longer the 2nd time around too!! I have said this before, but if i had known it was going to be this long, i would not have had the implant in my arm for 3 years!!! i would have taken my chances!!!
It is really frustrating, but it will happen, not if, but when...and think of all the fun you can have trying!!
Thanks for all your messages of support, it really helps knowing there are many others facing the same emotions. After having precisely 34 day cycles for the past 4 months I was suprised when my period started yesterday on day 27. Its now been 11 months and I can't help but think there must be something wrong.
We have booked to see the doctor as I need to put my mind at ease that there is nothing wrong. I'm fairly sur eI ovulate as I have all the symptoms and more importantly my fertility device shows the 'egg' symbol about the same time every month.
I know how much happier I will feel once I know I am pregnant its all I have ever wanted.
Hi Loopylou, im sorry things arent going to plan for you :hugs: and im glad that your have booked to see the doc. Im sure everything will show as ok and you will preggers soon xxx
Hey :wave:

I know it's tough but try to keep positive hun, you've got your appointment coming up so can share all your concerns with your GP & hopefully they can start the ball rolling & bring you one step closer to you deserved :bfp:

Keep us posted with how things go

:hugs: :friends: :hugs:

I'm on cycle wz of ttc number 2, its so hard when it takes so long with the 2nd 1, so frustrating! Fx that it happens soon, for everyone!!! Xxx

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