I had this with my boy at around the same age, it might not be practical, but I borrowed a playpen from a friend and it was a godsend. He didn't spend all his time in it, it was more for when he was playing up or I needed to do something and keep him safe. It was filled with his toys and books and he was quite happy in there (and couldn't grab the cats!)
I'm not sure why you got some rude responses on this thread Kumber, I didn't get the impression that you were trying to make out your child to be 'advanced' in any way x
Gosh, I'd be worried about putting him in a playpen, I did this previously when he was smaller and we had no carpets, and got accused of putting him in a dog cage and being more worried about the cats than him!
I have thought about reconstructing the playpen but the living room is very small and it's a large Lindam 8-sided one which takes up most of the floor space. I wonder though if there's a smaller one we can get, especially one that's more easily stored? Or perhaps we can set it up in his bedroom once it's been sorted and furnished.