Help :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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Harrison has gone from sleeping reasonably well to playing up, we get tantrums when he goes to bed, then he screams and shouts around every hour until we get up to him. Should I leave him to settle himself? I think he's formed a pattern now as it's nearly every night.

He doesn't sleep much during the day so is definately tired enough, he's waking paris too :(
I don't know hun but we just had THE CRAPPEST NIGHT EVER with Luke. I'm at the end of my tether this morning. I want to crawl into a hole and die to be honest. :cry:

He's teething but had had Calpol for that and spent the night in our bed from some time or other - too tired to remember, and once he was in our bed he was pulling my hair, scratching me, pinching me... all to be fed. It was just mad. He didn't sleep for more than about half an hour the whole night.

If you figure out any solutions, let me know!!!!!!!
They seem to just go through these phases. We'll have times when it isn't too bad (for us that's waking 3-4 times a night) and times when it's bloomin awful (waking every hour). I'm sure it will change again soon.
May seem odd, and not work in your LO's cases, but Isaac has always slept better at night if he's had a daytime nap. He would go and go all day without a nap and then just be mega tired at bedtime and that's sometimes counterproductive and just makes him grumpy and whingey when all he wants is to sleep, overtired basically. Try a nap at around 1,2pm'ish, it may help, if not, you get a bit of free time in the meantime :? Very best wishes, I do remember Isaac's sleep pattern went a little off when he was 9months old, once they start hitting all these milestones like cruising, walking, saying sounds and words etc it effects their sleep, there is also the dreaded teething. Sending very best wishes, hope it all resolves itself soon enough for you all :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't really have much advice for night time sleeping but I think Redshoes made a good point. My LO usually sleeps better at night if she has slept a bit in the day. Bad naps = bad nights for us. But other than that you have my sympathy. My LO is 14 months and she still wakes frequently between 12am and then gets up at 5.30am.
he has one to two naps a day raging from 30 mintes to an hour. He's at it again now, slept for half an hour and is now having a tantrum! :wall:

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