1 yr today!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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Just worked out that its 1 yr exactly today that i chucked out my pills and started ttc!!

Not feeling as down as i thought i would be today but still kinda makes me think wow a whole yr has gone and im still here ttc when everyone else(or so it seems)has got pg or had there babies.

Oh well fx it might some day soon be my turn.

Michelle. x
Awwww yeh I feel like its flown for me too, not been waiting quite as long as you (about 10 months for me). Hope you get your bfp very soon xxx
Haha I will be one year next week. The 28th May 2011 was cycle day one of the first month ttc. Time sure flies past. Definately thought would have a wee baba by now but no such luck. Not even a sniff of a second line. We will get there!!
I think I'm 2 years next month :shock:

It does go quickly and with hindsight I don't feel it's been the worst two years of my life by a longshot even though it's felt it at various moments :oooo:

I'm watching people who ttc'd with me come back and try for number 2 and get pregnant again and when I look their baby from the first pregnancy is like a year old and they're several weeks pregnant :shock:

Lucky sods ;)
im 2 years this wk :( not sure of the exact day but it was before my wedding and my wedding anniversary is tuesday so yup 2 yrs and im the same as lou - ppl i first joined PF with are beginning to think about 2nds and im still struggling to get anywhere - at least we have each other eh lou xx
hopefully BFPs together too and finally leave LTTTC which i fear will always be my home at the moment xx
I got martied 13 July 2009 and stopped contraception from then! My goodness thats 3 years come July! Wow in some ways (ttc) seems like a lifetime ago yet not in others! Its some journey eh girls!! Leys hope we all clear out of here soon!!!
2 years DW, not 2 months ;) maybe your in denial? Lol

Aw yes, at least we've got each other... Until you get your BFP and I'll get to eat your dust too :roll:

Don't be glum :hug: I can't imagine not being in ltttc either. I hear Tri 1 sucks though :oooo:
Eh look at me Lou ha ha xx :shock: I wish it was 2mnths but Indeed it is 2yrs boo hoo hoo but well get there some day :)

Big ltttc group :hug:

I'll edit that post then :doh:
I am 2 years 8 months! Eeeeek so crazy when you think back! I remember laughing with Neil throwing my pills away, and that night in September 2009 in our little flat, thinking, this is it! Next month... What a journey so far and we have not even started IVF yet. I am not sure what to think because when I look back our lives have moved on so much since that little flat to where we are now. I am not sure whether that makes me feel happy or sad?

Good luck to all you girls on here I am not sure what I would do without you!

Gizzy x
Gizzy what you said is so true about looking back! Totally echoed ad expressed what I was thinking too! Obviously great minds!!!
Thanks girls, i really do hope that some time soon we will all get that bfp and move on from here.

Cant believe how niave i was when i threw those pills away i really thought it wouldnt take long. I still remember how sad and gutted i felt at the beg of july last yr when i had my af arrive a few days late and i really thought that was the month!! How stupid was i. Now i never think its my month i just wait for bloody af to show up. I will never give up hope tho.

Michelle. x
It's been 28 cycles for us with a mc last cycle. My hubby said you spend ur teenage years bein told of takes one and to be careful and then we struggle so hard to get pregnant and it's such a shock. We are at our first appointment to begin the ivf process on 14th June.like so many others I thought I'd have my little one by now. Chucked the pill out 7th feb 2010 the day we had our engagement party! Everyone around me seems to just fall pregnant by accident :( our time will come I'm sure x
Ah Michelle & ladies its tough ain't it?

I will be 2 years 4 months this cycle. I got married Aug 09 but didn't want to start TTC right away but stopped the pill the following month. I remember taking my pill whilst on honeymoon and I honestly don't know why I did that! Not that it matters now. Started TTC in the Feb 10 and remember thinking cos I had used opks and got a strong positive that I would deffo get preggers! How naive! Even though I had a close friend who had been TTC for a couple of years at the time I still thought 'that won't be me'.

To be honest its been the hardest thing I've ever gone through, and I have lost a parent. The thing about ltttc is that there doesn't seem to an end in sight. The end for me will be when I've tried all the treatment the nhs will give me and then I will draw a line under it and take it that it wasn't meant to be. Hubby is 100% against private healthcare so that has been ruled out sadly (we do have some savings but he won't budge).

At least we have each other xxxxxx
Your hubby is against spending money on getting you pregnant even if it's the only option Kay Kay, or do you mean until you've exhausted the Nhs offerings? xx
It's been 28 cycles for us with a mc last cycle. My hubby said you spend ur teenage years bein told of takes one and to be careful and then we struggle so hard to get pregnant and it's such a shock. We are at our first appointment to begin the ivf process on 14th June.like so many others I thought I'd have my little one by now. Chucked the pill out 7th feb 2010 the day we had our engagement party! Everyone around me seems to just fall pregnant by accident :( our time will come I'm sure x

It does seem nuts how careful we were not to get pregnant before TTC and we needn't have bothered!? I think people are massively led to believe it'll happen at the first sniff of a swimmer getting through and I remember being slightly surprised we didn't conceive straight away. 1 yr and 10 months now.
In amongst the counting days, calculating the 'birthday' if it happens to work this month, waiting for letters for appointments and stressing because they've said I need another blood test which has to coincide with my long and erratic cycle; I try to remind myself that the moment it works... the moment we get a positive... the moment that bump appears.... all the waiting and worry will seem so much less and the time so much shorter than it does now. I can't really confront the possible 'what if' conversation if we're not successful with ICSI. One step at a time hey girls! Lots of luck to us all x x x here's hoping this time next year we're all comparing 'bump' related posts!! ;)
Your hubby is against spending money on getting you pregnant even if it's the only option Kay Kay, or do you mean until you've exhausted the Nhs offerings? xx

He is just against it full stop, at any time. I would pay for private iui right now if he was on board. It's not exactly how I would like to spend our hard-earned savings but if I'm waiting til Jan I figure why not? But there are 2 of us in this so I kinda need him to be onboard. I'm still trying to wear him down tho! Wish me luck on that one :roll:
Hubbys not keen on us spending our savings either i have thought about having sum private tests done, but he has said no atm he thinks its too early yet and i guess he is right.

Michelle. x
Pfft, sounds like they're saving up for their baby replacement sports cars to me :roll:

I'm all for exhausting "free" stuff before paying, but whether or not to spend money on private health is a bit of a yes or no topic.

If he says no and you let him have his way, that isn't compromise, that is him getting 100% his own way... ok, i better shut up before i cause rows at home... ;)

There is just no way we'd settle for a large savings account over a baby, I'd sell the house if i had to lol

Hell, i'd sell hubby if i had to! :whistle: Maybe someone who is allergic to latex would buy him :good:
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Savings are all well and good but I would rather live month to month with a small amount of savings over not ever realsing our dream of having a baby. If it came to it and you had exhausted the nhs treatnent but knew there was something else you could try ie like louise and the treatment in Belgium would u and your hubby seriosuly not give it a go?
Hi ladies. We have been ttc since feb 2010 and had started to think there was a problem. I finally got a bfp in April this year but sadly mc'd this month :( In a way it's good as I now know we can get that bfp but I'm also terrified of having another mc and the possibility of it taking another 2 years..... Not helped by the fact I've just had 2 of my best friends get pregnant. One who got pregnant from an accident and who thought she was infertile as she rarely has a period, and another who is gonna be due around the same time I was (neither of them know about my bfp and mc as I'd hate them to feel they had to tread on eggshells around me - but at the same time I'm finding it hard not to feel just a tiny bit envious!) Why is so hard for us?!?! Come on ovaries, do your stuff!! X

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