1 year old stopped eating!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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Hi my one year old was always a good eater and would try new things and now he has stopped altogether!! He has had a cold but nothing major. He is just refusing any food using a spoon even if I let him do it. Food he normal likes he doesn't eat. Finger food he will eat a few bits then start throwing it around. I keep trying but this has been going on a week or so. He still drinks his milk so have tried reducing that so he definatly hungry but still doesn't eat. Also getting up 3-4 times a night wanting me to hold him. Any ideas? Thanks x x
It's probably because he's felt off it. I'm having the same issue with my 11mth old. Keep trying little & often until he gets back his appetite. As for the night time issue I had to do a bit of CC (my own version of) again & that worked for us. Obviously might not work for you or might not be something you wanna try.

Good luck!
I've had the same thing with my 11 month old. He had a nasty cold and he wouldn't eat any food, so I just up'd his milk intake and kept trying the food to see when he'd start eating again. I offered him things I know he loves and just gave him baby mush as well (going on the theory when adults are I'll we eat soup!) but he still preferred his milk. Probably took him a week to start properly eating again
Thanks ladies guess I'll just keep trying. Was thinking soon I'll have to leave him to cry it out a bit at night as it's becoming a habit and we are not getting any decent sleep including my lo who ends up being grumpy the next day.
My lo is the same when he gets ill, it can take him a couple weeks to get back to normal i just let him have more milk and offer food aswell x
Any teeth coming through like molars? Or the sharp ones on the corner? It makes my little boy stop eating all together. Illness, leap and growspurts don't help either!
Yep agree with the above, as soon as something hits he isn't interested in food. When that happens I tend to just leave snacks out for him on his table and let him pick at it when he is ready


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