1 year old dropping milk?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Hi girls, I know there are quite a few of us around the 1yo mark. Just wanted to know how you have/intend dropping milk and going onto cows milk?

I have to hold off on cows milk due to allergy but I do want to transition to sippy cup only. Also, want to drop to 1 bottle a day, I believe that's the recommendation?! LO is currently on 2 x 8oz a day but is starting to drop his morning bottle it seems (this morning only drinking 3oz of it)

So what have u done/planning to do?

Also stalking.
I assume the recommended 1 bottle is a bed time bottle? I hope so because I can't imagine Grace sleeping without a bottle at night. She's also started to drink less of her morning bottles. My friend still gave her daughter bed time bottles at 20 months, she said it took ages to wean her so the sooner I start the better :oooo: Her daughter will be 2 in January but I'm not sure if she's still having her bed time bottle.

At the health visitor appointment today she basically told me that if I run out of formula in the next few weeks, not to bother buying another tub! xxx
At 1 year I started giving him 1 bottle of cows milk a day. My lo loved it so once my tub of formula had run out I just switched him to both bottles with cows milk.
I tried and tried to get him to drink it out of a beaker but he just wouldn't do it so he still has his bottles. He has one when he wakes and one at about 4pm but I think I need to start weaning him off that 4pm one, although he still takes 9ozs most feeds.
Thanks girls!

Tiff it's the night time one that I'm going to continue giving. Even tho LO seems to not be drinking much of the morning one I can't imagine him not having one at all at the mo but hopefully that will sort itself out in the next few weeks.

Rach why don't u offer one bottle of cows milk a day and like the girls say use up ur last formula? I wish I could give Will cows milk :(

Roo thanks for your advice, I'm guessing I will struggle with the sippy cup too as iv only just got him drinking water out of it :oooo:

I have introduced a 2oz bottle of cows milk in the afternoon just to give her the taste but she just spits it all back out!! Meh!!!

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I have introduced a 2oz bottle of cows milk in the afternoon just to give her the taste but she just spits it all back out!! Meh!!!

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Lou how about mixing 1oz formula and 1oz milk? X
I'll be stalking too. My LO is a nightmare to get milk into so is still having 3 bottles and takes about 18oz of milk (most days less) but I've been thinking of dropping one and offering more food. We BLW so I don't know if that will make a difference to the amount of milk he takes. It's good to hear some have already introduce cows milk as my mum has suggested changing him over to it to see if he takes it better, although I would do as you have Lou and just a couple of oz to begin with x
hiya girls, lacie is just over a year now and im still having trouble with her beaker/sipi cup transition!! i dont give her a bottle with meals she has her cup of either water, smoothie or juice depending what shes eating ect. But when shes tired she will not settle without a bottle, this is what i need to get her out of.
(she did get rid of the dummy herself at about 5 months old though, just decided it wasnt good enough any more thankgod!)

Changing her from formula to cows milk wasnt too bad. I started putting it in her breakfast from around 10 months and letting her drink a little out of a cup at breakfast too. She spat it out and didnt like it cold or warmed for about 3 weeks but in the end when i put it in one of her bottles at nap time she drank it and hasnt being a problem since.

Lacie has 1 9oz bottle of formula for bed, im only giving her this for 2 reasons... 1, she was on a comfort milk and she had really bad constipation when i cut it to 2 bottles a day (hence the reason for smoothie and pure juice at meal times) and 2, im using the rest of my milk up.

She still wakes in the night and if her bottle of formula is finished she gets a 4oz bottle of water if she doesnt self settle
(which she doesnt) Im hoping she will grow out of this lol!!
I have introduced a 2oz bottle of cows milk in the afternoon just to give her the taste but she just spits it all back out!! Meh!!!

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Lou how about mixing 1oz formula and 1oz milk? X

Good idea! I will try that this afternoon xx

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I started switching a bottle at a time to a cup of cows milk, we started at about 11 months and after 3 weeks she was only having a bottle of formula before bed, after 2 days I ran out of formula so switched to cows milk in a cup, by 12 months she was totally off formula and on cows milk
She now has 2 cups if milk in the day (mid morning & mid afternoon) with a snack, water with all meals & a cup of milk after her bath before going to bed

Mummy to Gracie 26/10/11
H isn't 1 yet but I am interested on how this will work as I can see he will drop his afternoon milk very soon as mostly he only takes 2 oz and will happily have water (only if he feeds himself it) but he also has one first thing and one at night and he takes 9oz and prob wud take more given the chance!
I have no idea how i am going to get Hannah to drop bottles...she loves her milk! She still has 7oz at 7am, 6oz at 11am, 6oz at 3pm and about 6oz just after her bath at 6pm...

Do I really only need to worry about reducing the amount of formula oce she is 1 year old? xx
Once she's eating more and realising food fills her up not just milk she'll drop bottles on her own.
she started to reduce the amount she was taking and then she has started taking the full bottle again. does this mean i should be upping her food amount do you think?

She has quite a decent amount of porridge with fruit puree mixed in for breakfast. Lunch she has mashed up or pureed vegetables with meat, about 5 big ice cubes worth and similar amount for tea with a petit filous or fruit puree for pudding.

actually...looking at the pots again...i would say 3 big ice cubes worth...xx
E still has a sippy cup of full fat cows milk with each of her 3 big meals, 300mls in the morning and 200mls for both the others. It took a little while before she accepted it and still she wont drink it unless its warmed up. We started by giving it to her watered down and gradually decreased the amount of water added. She also used to struggle taking a sippy cup but has since learnt to drink from it properly, just with perseverance and praises. I found that the Tommee Tippee beaker is easier for her to drink from then theie cups with handles.
Maybe start offering her some snacks? X

yeah...will do. like a mid morning snack and something mid afternoon? would you give the snack before or after milk? what sort of things...like biscotti and those organix puff things? xx
I would offer her snacks samsgirl. You could give her the biscotti, fruit, yoghurt anything pretty much.

My lo has pretty much decided that he's going to eat a good breakfast then spend the rest of the day grazing. So he's not hungry at lunch or tea time, so I'm going to reduce his afternoon bottle and give him smaller snacks too so he's hungrier for his main meals.

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