1 armed lobster fisher who gets his stump pinched thread

davina said:
i used to watch extreme makeover home edition and i used to cry nearly every time. think that Ty is quite sexy though :shock: also like Ed from London :shock: mind you his accent is quite strange.

Apparently Ty has ADHD, which would explain how hyper he is I guess!

The cheesiest part is when he says 'lets meet the design team' and they all come out doing the jog and wave :rotfl:

Just been watching one I saw the end of before where they have sextuplets :shock:
Kina said:
Neverending Story when his horse drowns - SOOOOOOOB! I even cried at the music video of it a few months ago.

Oh forgot about that, me too :cry:

may i ask though, what kind of name is Bastian????

The song that always makes me cry is Don't wanna miss athing By Aerosmith :?
Kina said:
Neverending Story when his horse drowns - SOOOOOOOB! I even cried at the music video of it a few months ago.

Oh god, I have the video of this and I bet I would still cry when the horse drowns :cry:
trying to think of a sad film, other than titanic. bridget jones was sad as in crap, but not tearful. i was watching my kierans home movie when he was a baby and he was loving. made me cry. :cry:
I can't watch Schindler's list. I am usually ok til the end where he starts to cry, then thats me. Also Life is Beautiful, OMG I bawled at this for an hour. It is the most amazing film, I can highly recommend it.
just thought 'Beaches' cant watch this film with dh have to be onmy own. and 'stepmom'. 'love story'. 'the champ'
Awww poor Doug *raises glass*

I could never cut my own arm off I would just pass out with pain!

Everything makes me cry now ever since I got pregnant. :( At work once before my mat leave I was reading a paper in the tea room. There was a story about 2 tortoises that had been together for 30+ years and 1 of them died. Since the death his friend had refused to move from their bed, he had a broken heart. :cry: OMG I was in floods after reading that, kept having to get relieved off the line to go and have a cry in the toilets :oops:

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