1/2 a day spotting


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Hi there, so I'm 5+4 today, yesterday morning I got up and went the loo for no2, when I wiped I notice some pinkish discharge, so I checked my cervix and there was some brown/red discharge, I've been doctors and have a scan next Friday which seems forever away!!! After dinner time yesterday my CM seemed to go back to normal colour and has remained that way so far, no real pain a little crampy/twingy but nothing real bad, I have one daughter but mc before having her, so I'm instantly thinking the blood yesterday was a sign of bad things to come, anyone any positive experiences to share, or had similar? Xx
Hi, I've been spotting for a week now. My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage, but I've got a scan tomorrow, so will let you know which way it goesxx
Thanks hope all goes well for you fingers crossedxx
I hope everything is okay nat. It's hard to know because twinges and pains are all signs of a healthy pregnancy as your uterus is growing. But at the same time those pains are scary too because you never know if they're good or bad.
Spotting is so common in early pregnancy that again, it's impossible to tell whether it's a bad sign or just one of those things. Try not to panic though. It's incredible the amount of women who have posted treads almost identical to this one and then come back a week later to say they've had a scan and everything was perfect! After a mc it's really hard to stay positive but this time round what's kept me going is my daughter. She's proof that I can have a successful pregnancy and she gives me hope.
Fingers crossed for you hun! :) xx
Aww thanks juice, I've woke up this morning to more brown discharge and my pregnancy test is lighter than yesterday so I think I am mc just hope it happens quickly so I can move on and start trying again, your right that's what keeps me going is my daughter she definitely makes things a lot easier this time round x
Hi, I had scan today everything seems to be progressing from last week, got to wait until next week though to see a heartbeat x
I'm sorry Nat :( I'm still keeping everything crossed for you! You never know! Xxx
Yeah me too did another test earlier and that seemed to be darker so god knows the spotting isn't reachin the outside. Chrissi that's good things are progressing my last pregnancy I never saw a ha until 6+ 5 so stay positive x

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