£500 grant at 29w


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Hey there is a £500 grant when you have 11 weeks left till your due and its says

You can get a Sure Start Maternity Grant if you or your partner receive any of the following:
  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the family element
  • Working Tax Credit where a disability or severe disability element is included in the award

and if one of the following applies to you:
  • you or your partner are pregnant and expecting a baby within 11 weeks or have given birth within the last three months
  • you or your partner have adopted a child, or in certain circumstances have been granted a residence order for a child, within the last three months and the child is less than one year old
  • you and your husband or wife have been granted a parental order for a surrogate birth within the last three months
  • you or your partner are getting benefit for a dependant under the age of 20 who is pregnant and expecting a baby within 11 weeks or has given birth within the last three months
The term partner is used here to mean:
  • a person you are married to or a person you live with as if you are married to them, or
  • a civil partner or a person you live with as if you are civil partners
I am on a low income (£95) a week as im only a apprentice. I am currently on housing benefits and that is it..... Dont even ask how i manage to live! im clueless myself!

Am I entitled to this??
dont think so. . . i might be wrong, but im not entitled to it. My £190 hasnt come yet after 5 weeks! x
ahh i c. Just wondered if being on HB made a difference
Im waiting for my £190 grant to come through still this will be second week tomoz and also tomoz going to apply for income support and also my £500 grant
dont think you get the £500 grant and the £190 grant!! i know i dont qualify for the £500 grant cos i work
I get the 500 sure start grant cos I get child tax credit at higher rate.

It mite b better waitin til bubs is born,then ul b entitled to tax credits and will def get the grant then xx
argh its all so confussing! Thanks Emmamb maybe ill try that
I am on a low income (£95) a week as im only a apprentice. I am currently on housing benefits and that is it..... Dont even ask how i manage to live! im clueless myself!

Am I entitled to this??

I feel for you on this one, I am on JSA at the moment and was offered an Apprentice job of £95 a week but I live with my partner so we are in a joint claim, figured it out we would be worse off if I took this job :(

Have you ever thought about quiting work? then getting JSA/income support. Just get your doctor to sign you off from stress or something x
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the thing is im training for my qualification and i ahve put like 3 hrs of work in everyday. To cut down my course from 2 year to 1 year! my assessor is so proud and so far it im breaking a record! :D just wondered if u are on HB you could still claim?
Do you live with your partner?

I don't think just being on HB counts, it does say if you or your partner claim any of the benefits so he could claim it for you if he was on any of them :S

Really think its mean that because you are working 30 hours a week but only getting a crap 95 quid a week the social screw you over. Hence why I never took the job lol x
Im on Employmet Support Allowance (New equivalent of Incap.) and I am entitled to both..

£190 Health in pregnancy and £500 Sure Start Maternity Grant.

Lexi, it shouldnt be taking that long, call them up to make sure its being processed.

setdse, Call the jobcentre, or contact your citezens advice bureau, they will know what you are eligble for, though from that list of things, i dont think you do qualify.
I dont think you do qualify if youre just claiming housing benefit, but if you live with your partner and he is claiming income based jsa or income support he should be able to apply for it. Its worth a shot, if he cant get it for you you will definately get it when bubs is born as you will be claiming tax credits then.

I applied a few weeks ago and they said I wasnt entitled to it as Im not claiming jsa or income support... Which I am! So have had to appeal against it, the whole things stupid and even when you do qualify they seem to make things harder for you, Id definately get your partner to apply though if he claims either of those.

And, LEXI!!! Ring them, it shouldnt take that long, I got mine after a week and I dont know anyone to have waited longer than 2 weeks to get it!!


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