Child Tax Credits (Mistake in sticky?)


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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The sticky above says that you don't have to have had your baby yet in order to get child tax credit, but the links don't work and I can't find anything about this. Can anyone help?

Maybe I'm just not understanding what this says:

* Income Support
* Income based Jobseeker's Allowance
* Pension Credit
* Child Tax Credit at a higher rate than family element THIS IS £1090 IF YOU HAVE A CHILD UNDER 1 AND £546 IF YOU DON'T eg if you are still pregnant...YOU CAN CLAIM BEFORE BABY IS BORN, IF YOU LEAVE IT TOO LATE YOU MAY LOSE YOUR ENTITLEMENT TO THE GRANT! * Working Tax Credit where a disability or severe disability element is included in the award
u dont have to have kids at all to claim tax credits go on the dorect gov website hun
I see that you can apply for working tax credit, but the sticky was the Sure Start grant and under child tax credit it says you don't need to have given birth yet in big red writing. This is the part I don't understand and can't find on the Direct Gov site.
hi,just rang tax credits and you only let them know when your baby has been other words they only pay for the child when it has been born..not whilst you are pregnant!

hope it helps

It's not talking about Child Tax Credit before baby is born, it's talking about the surestart maternity grant, which you can claim before the baby is born if you get the right rate of CTC for your other children
ie, I could have claimed it before Riley was born cos I already get it for my other 2 kids.
Also, you can claim it before baby is born if you're on Jobseekers etc.

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