Recent content by jano

  1. J

    Question for 2nd time mums

    Thanks for your interest and replies, I am hoping then that it will just be a case of adapting, I`d forgot about the olden days of all kids sharing a bed. might try that ha haa xx
  2. J

    Question for 2nd time mums

    I have a 20 month old and am expecting my second in June. We live in a 2 bedroom house, so the baby will soon be sharing a room with its older sister. How do the older ones adapt to being disturbed by a baby in the nursery? Can they get used to it? I have visions of none of us sleeping and all...
  3. J

    2nd time mum

    Me too, I`m 17 weeks and have a 20 month old, can`t wait xx
  4. J

    I have felt baby moving since 11 weeks !!!!!!

    I feel like a bit of a mentalist at confession here, but I have been able to feel my baby moving since around 11 weeks. :think: :think: :think: It is a very gentle fluttering senstion, but I am in no doubt that is the baby. I havn`t told any one because they would think I was talking...
  5. J

    feeling a bit down and scared....

    Hi, Try not to worry. I am a dreadful worrier, and I have had a baby before. In my experience, I have found that everything I worried about (and I worried a LOT ) ended up being totally fine, and the little things that went wrong were totally unexpected and things that I hadn`t thought to worry...
  6. J

    Anyone else.....................?

    Has anyone else noticed that themore tired they get, the worse the morning sickness gets, almost like they are related ?? :puke:
  7. J

    Sad news

    That is awful sad news, I am so sorry, you must be so upset. Wish I could say or do something to make you feel better. Take care xx Jane. :hug: :hug: :hug:
  8. J

    anxious after a 2nd trimester loss

    Have you thought of buyng your own doppler? Some people don`t like the idea, but I used mine all through the last pregnancy. If I felt doubtful , i would listen in and i reasured me. I had a car crash one day and went straight home and listened in, it was so reasuring, i felt a real connection...
  9. J

    just found out my cause for losses and starting icsi

    Thats great news xx You have been through hell !! I am really interested to see the outcome of this treatment and so excited for you. I had loads of tests done having had 4 micarriages and I was told I had factor 5 Lydon. I took Aspirin with my 4th pregnancy and had a healthy baby, but then went...
  10. J

    Bloated or Bump?!

    I`m so glad that have said this. I am 8 weeks, and my bump/stomach is HUGE. Ridicularse, I look like i am 6 months gone already. I just cant wear jeans anymore, and am leggings and jumpers. It is my 6th pregnancy, only one of which made the distance, so wonder if it is significant. Also, I LOVE...
  11. J

    I`m sooooooooooo tired all the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime zzzzz

    Is anyone else really buggered all the time? Even if I have a good nights sleep I am still constantly tired. I am having lie ins followed by naps, and snoozes and then early nights, ridicularse. Totally knackered and got an 18 month old to deal with too. Aso my belly is huge, I look 6 months...
  12. J

    Carrycot instead of Moses Basket!

    One thing to consider. To help my daughter get used to sleeping in the big cot, i used to put her in the moses basket, and then put the moses basket inside the cot, then after a couple of weks straight into the cot. Just a thought, cos I don`t think you could do that with a carry cot - not sure.
  13. J

    Feel ill...

    Yeah, might go around 13 weeks if you are lucky.xx
  14. J

    update on doctors today

    Wow good luck for the 19th. You sound very positive. Have you got any syptoms?
  15. J

    I am worried because my nausea is going

    Its so scary isn`t it, and we have a long way to go yet. My nausea has come back today with a vengance :puke: so I am really reasured by that. My boobs have gone back to normal though. I have got a bad back and I cried last night when I said goodnight to the dog so I guess they count as...