2nd time mum


Jan 1, 2009
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Hi everyone :D

I'm new here (looking for a friendly forum to retreat to) I'm expecting my 2nd baby in June and also have a 2 year old, who is my absolute world.

I was just wondering if anyone who is a mum of 2 (or more) can give me some practical advice as to how I can;
* ensure my firstborn is not put out too much by our new addition
* best way I can adjust to having another child to care for (I had a very hard time with my firstborn and so I am scared witless)
* what I might need to buy this time around (I have kept everything which was needed for my first baby)

Look forward to making friends and chatting with you all.

K, x
hiya hun i'm a mother of 2 :D and expecting my 3rd, in reply to your questions:
I was just wondering if anyone who is a mum of 2 (or more) can give me some practical advice as to how I can;
* ensure my firstborn is not put out too much by our new addition
the only way i found doing this was to make sure everyone who comes to visit baby gives your lil one attention first before baby and you try to give lil in more attention than baby like when it's sleeping, feeding ect... also try to involve lil one as much as possible when baby is born :D my son was 2 years and 2 months when i had emma and he didn't think much of emma till she started getting intresting like when she started playing ect... now they get on like a house on firse except the few argument here and htere but it' to be expected at their age lol
* best way I can adjust to having another child to care for (I had a very hard time with my firstborn and so I am scared witless)i had a hard time with my son too but i achaly found having 2 is easier than having 1, you'll be supprised how much of it comes naturaly and you tend to not make the same mistakes cas you learned before if you know what i mean :D
* what I might need to buy this time around (I have kept everything which was needed for my first baby))well i'd say get the usual clothes, bottles if you wanna bottle feed ect... if you have everyhting then i don't see you'll need much to get really, mabe a double buggy? and stock up on nappies lol they are expencive enough with just a new born i found it rather expencive with a tot and a new born lol
i hope this helps :D and i hope you enjoy the forum :D
Welcome to the forum!!

Babydaze said:
I was just wondering if anyone who is a mum of 2 (or more) can give me some practical advice as to how I can;
* ensure my firstborn is not put out too much by our new addition
We talked a lot to DD (she's 3) about what was going to happen in the weeks/months before baby was due. I think the fact that she knew about it and had a chance to talk about it really helped. We also asked her to choose a toy for baby that she could bring to the hospital and we bought her a small toy from baby for her. I think this really worked well as it made a connection between her and baby. I try really hard to make sure that when DS is sleeping I offer cuddles/play time to DD.

Babydaze said:
* best way I can adjust to having another child to care for (I had a very hard time with my firstborn and so I am scared witless)
I actually find it easier this time around. Yes it's hard to balance both children's needs but it isn't such a shock looking after a newborn. You already have been through it and know some techniques to try. You're not starting from scratch this time!

Babydaze said:
* what I might need to buy this time around (I have kept everything which was needed for my first baby)
We're the same, we kept everything from when we had DD and really didn't need to buy much. The only things I bought were things that I wished I'd had last time and a few indulgences (my changing bag) which I didn't really need but wanted to treat myself as I hated my changing bag last time but couldn't afford to change it. Oooh and like Anna says stock up on nappies, it's amazing how quick you go through them and the last thing you can be bothered doing is running out for nappies before you're ready!
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Welcome :) I have no advice to offer as am in the same boat (2 yr old and next one due in June) You've had some good advice already, hope you enjoy the forum x
Minxy said:
Welcome :) I have no advice to offer as am in the same boat (2 yr old and next one due in June) You've had some good advice already, hope you enjoy the forum x

Hey and welcome, im again in the same boat, have a little boy who is 2 next week! :D

Good questions that you have asked though am interested to see the replies.

Be nice talking to you! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Again I have no advice as I'm in the same boat too (my daughter will be 20 months when baby is born) :D

Look forward to getting to know you :hug:
Hi Honey

welcome to second tri :wave: , am in exactly the same boat as you so will be interested to read all the advice

Me too, I`m 17 weeks and have a 20 month old, can`t wait xx
hey im not a Mam of two im pregnant with my first but just wanted to welcome you to the forum... look forward to getting to know you better :wave:
Thank you everyone for your valuable responses.

I must admit, I feel that having a baby 2nd time around feels more daunting than 1st time. Although 1st time around I was living in a 'bubble' and wasnt really sure what to expect.

Look forward to chatting, Xx
I totally agree with you babydaze anout the 2nd being more daunting than the first!

Welcome to the forum!

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