Recent content by DDS

  1. D

    Keeping dummy in baby's mouth?

    Using a dummy really soothes my little one, but she is still to young to keep it in her mouth, so it keeps falling out. I need to then hold it there all the time. Any suggestions? I cannot find a 0-3month dummy with the 'ring' attachement, to loop a blanket through. I have the 0-3 month Tomee...
  2. D

    Cranial osteopathy for colic

    Recently i heard that this is really good for babies with colic, and even more so for babies who were forceps delivered. My little girl stayed awake for 5 hours crying last night with colic. Has anyone tried this?
  3. D

    Trying to Conceive after Miscarrige

    I had a M.C, i waited and had 1 period and then started trying again was very blessed as i fell pregnant straight away. My MC was a full MC and i did not have, to have D&C or any other intervention. GOOD LUCK :D
  4. D

    Sex for first time after birth

    Due to have my 6 week check, and know that i should be given the all clear for sex again, but i am feeling really scared at the prospect. I had an episiotomy, and that is what is making me most scared, that it will really hurt. What should i expect, and anything i can do.
  5. D

    Formula storage

    Hi I was wondering if any of you store made up formula. Sometimes i make to much in the bottle and was wondering if i kept it i fridge until the next feed would that be fine? It would only be short term. Also if i am travelling, what then?
  6. D

    Absolutely, definately, without a doubt - COLIC!

    My liitle girl was/is the same. I had that constant crying for days once, and it is exhausting. I found colief brilliant, and Emma has improved in leaps. Not sured but the difference is amazing! Colief is £10 over the counter at pharmacy, but if your G.P writes a script it is free. I combo...
  7. D

    Recovery from episiotomy and 2nd degree tear

    Hi there, i also had an episiotomy. I did not have pain, but rather a constant ache. This lasted about 10 days, and then i started to feel much better. Take it easy intially, and don't overdo it, or it makes it worse. I took arnica tablets - bought from Holland and Barrett, and aslo bathed in...
  8. D

    Time baby is awake > 4 hours, help

    Hi My girl is 4 weeks old, and for the last few days she just won't settle or go to sleep. She will wake,i will feed, change etc, which all about hour and a half. After that she is constantly niggling, and crying on and off for up to another 2-3 hours. Me and my husband don't have a clue why...
  9. D

    Rip or Cut

    As far as i know not many doctors, and esp MW will actually cut, unless absolutely necessary. I had an episiotomy, because i had forceps delivery. I'm sure it differs depending on hospital as well, but i'm sure most follow this rule.
  10. D

    Being sick after feed, and then still hungry??

    The last day my little one feeds for a decent amount of time, but then vomits some up, and then still appears hungry. Do i carry on feeding her? Or does her vomiting mean she has eaten to much?
  11. D

    screaming baby - tummy cramps help

    Hi Ladies This is what i have found helps so far, and lets hope it keeps working. I have started using Colief for colic, but you need to buy this over the counter from your pharmacy. If your G.P prescribes you can get it for free. Elevate the head section of the moses basket. Let the baby begin...
  12. D


    Anyone able to suggest anything for hiccups for my litle one. She normally gets it after feeding, i am giving her infacol etc.
  13. D

    Waters have broken - how long now?

    Hi Ladies I know it has been a while but thought i wouls let you know what happened. After waters broke at 01:20 Sat, had monitoring at 6am. Sunday monitoring again. Monday tried to induce with prostin - wait 6 hrs - no contractions. Hosp very busy waited until Tues - another prostin - wait 6...
  14. D

    screaming baby - tummy cramps help

    My litle girl seems to have really bad tumy cramps She has not slept now for 3 hours, and is crying constantly! She is def not hungry, and is clenching in 'pain' What can i do. I have done colic rops, changed her nappy, rocked her etc. She will calm for a few minutes, then clench in pain and...
  15. D

    Feeding and sleep time

    Thanks for the advice i appreciate it. The reply was not bitchy at all, to me it makes complete sense. The MW said it was important for sugar levels and dehydration thinkgs like that. Believe me she has no problem in weeing and pooing - excuse the direct language. Being a first time mum i...