at 12 weeks she would go down at 7pm and we would have to wake her at 8.30am for a feed! plus a couple of hours of daytime naps. but i think we are the exception and ahve been exceedingly lucky!!!
We did monkey music instead but it's really the same thing. My Lo loved it! Just stopped going when I went back to work. We started at 4 months! Have fun!
She has a website - its I'd be really interested in how you get on if you decide to use her. Oh and neither of the girls who used her had to use CIO. Good luck!
hi - my lo didn't crawl until her 10 month birthday! but then she crawled perfectly first time and within an hour she was also cruising and had cruised her way around the room, mainly holding on with only 1 hand!
i think she must have been practising in private - maybe yours is doing the same?!
you are not a bad mum. sounds like you have tried everything!
try giving the edinburgh sleep lady a call. she helped 2 of my friends, just over the phone. they were at their wits end as well! i'm not sure how she did it though! she might be quite pricey
hey and i don't know if i believe the...
yes the yeo valley with some fruit puree is so much better than petit filou which is sweetened with jam and has 2 tablespoons of sugar in it!! well so my hv told me.
at least you know he is getting a portion of fruit that way as well. my lo's favourite is poached pears!
i think thats really strange! i was worried about my lo going to sleep as i walk her around for 15mins until she falls asleep but when i asked in advance they said they would do whatever, walk round the garden etc.
from reading her book she sleeps really well there, i asked how they get her...
wow all those super organised mums out there!! never ironed any of her clothes - take out of the washing machine and 'iron' it with my hands and line dry.
never thought about the bacteria in milk, but my ironing is so bad i'd probably miss the vital spot!!
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