

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm trying to avoid giving Tyler sweet artificial yogurts. Can he have this? ImageUploadedByTapatalk1341484276.532009.jpg

I'm trying to avoid giving Tyler sweet artificial yogurts. Can he have this? View attachment 22224

I didn't even know we could give them yogurts yet , think I might pop the shop and ruby some for ruby . I need to buy a booking about weaning I haven't got a clue what to give her , at the min it's just been frest fruit and veg and tried some scrambled egg yesterday but she didn't seem keen on it x
Natural yoghurt should be fine, if you want to sweeten it up put some of ur own fruit puree in to taste it :) but if he takes it as is, I would go with that x Yoghurt is great for them x
Yeah natural yoghurt is fine just make sure it's full fat, I usually make my own by adding pureed fruit, raspberries went down quite well, but I occasioanlly give her petit filous as well x
So bio is ok?

I was gonna add purees I brought apples and mango!

Are raspberries a fruit that you can give at any time? Or are they like strawberries?

Yoghurt.fine.after 6months. That's the one I give F.and chuck some.purreed frozen.fruit in. She loves it. Especially now.from her little suction bowl, she scoops it in with her fingers and then sucks them clean :o)
We bought some baby yoghurt (thinki its heinz) tastes minging so I guess there is no sugar etc!!
yes the yeo valley with some fruit puree is so much better than petit filou which is sweetened with jam and has 2 tablespoons of sugar in it!! well so my hv told me.

at least you know he is getting a portion of fruit that way as well. my lo's favourite is poached pears!
Yeah I wanted to avoid them. I just didn't know how to spell it and didn't want to look like a numpty!

I didn't know those petie feliu (however you spell it) were so bad I thought they were 'good' yogurts I've given Kynon quite a few of them over the last few months! Might swap to natural with fruit instead. He doesn't get anything else sweet though so suppose its not so bad!
Thomas had them and he would rather have fruit than sweets any day I can't remember the last time he had sweets.....it's a myth sweet things give them a sweet tooth james has them as well everything is far too pc IMO xx

Thomas had them and he would rather have fruit than sweets any day I can't remember the last time he had sweets.....it's a myth sweet things give them a sweet tooth james has them as well everything is far too pc IMO xx


Who said sweet things give them a sweet tooth?

a lot of people say sweet things sweet tooth...well a loy of people iv met.....x
Hv's the government the usual busy bodies lol it's an old fish wives tale x

Rachel's organic do yoghurts for babies/toddlers. They r sweetened with fruit juice, no added sugar. They about £2 in sainsburys but they r quite big pots for a baby- about double the size of a petit filou!! But its another alternative xx

I LOVE the pics! He is just gorgeous! xxx

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