Your Ghostly Experiences...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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This may have been a post sometime before, but lets carry on :wink:

Following on from MrsBrightsides post on 'Spooky Goings On...' I thought we could write our own experiences, as long as we don't scare each other (except Foxxi of course! :twisted: :wink: ) Ok, I have a few, but will just write down one for now:

We used to have a dog called Patch when I was a teenager. Anyway every night at 10:00 he used to be let out into the garden to do his business. Sadley he passed over when I was about 20.
About a month later my mum and I were sat watching TV when I heard his collar jingle...I looked at her, she looked at me and asked if I had just heard something! We both heard his collar at 10:00ish, the time he was usually let out! :)
Oooo yes i love stuff like this. Ok, i lived in quite an old flat building and woke up in the middle of the night with hot sweats and felt really sick. When i looked in the corner i saw a tall bloke with his head hung down and a checked shirt on. I stared at him for ages and ages cos i was too petrified to move and eventually he turned right into the corner and faded away, as did my sickness and hot sweats. I jumped up and turned on the light and slept with it on for the next 2 months till i moved out!!!
I have had a few spooky things...

I was brought up on a farm that has been in my Dad's side of the family since the late 1800's, and when I was little I would never walk between my Aunties bungalow and the farm house by myself (not even a 1min walk ) and I told my Dad there was always two old men walking past the gate at the end of the farmhouse drive, I described them to him and my Uncle and it was my grandpa (their dad) and the shephard that used to work for us when my Dad was a kid.... it never scared me, but I just knew they werent real, if that makes sence. I even described my Grandpa's stick and pipe which were both apprently very unique designs.

Then there has been a few things since my Mum passed, I truely beleive she is with me all the time. When I was in hospital having Arianna (who was born at 2.32am) my Dad was at home in his bed and he said he woke up at 2.20am as he had a dream with my Mum's face saying "Ally, our granddaughter is on her way" so he got up and paced the living room floor kinda freaked and then next thing he knew was Brian calling shortly after 3am to tell him.
Then whenever I am really down and sitting having a cry to myself I get like a warm feeling round me as tho my Mum was hugging me - I know it sounds silly, but I will never forget the hugs my Mum gave, so warm and cosy and nobody could give me a hug just like her.

I actually had a spooky thing last week too for Arianna's party... I had bought her new shoes that she had had on once already but I had lost them - turned the house upside down but they were missing for 3wks. Anyways on the day of her party I said to myself.. I wish I knew where they were and had a little moan. My first guest rang the doorbell, went to answer the door and the shoes were right infront of the door from the inside of the flat. I have no idea where they had been, but they just appeared, if they had been there the whole time I wouldnt have been able to have got out my home without falling over them!
I get goosebumps reading stuff like this. I dunno what it is.

Nothing really major happened to me. When i was on holiday in Scotland, i managed to dibs my own room. (Being the middle child i always shared) The 2nd to last night we were there i was laid in bed. I was wide awake laid on my belly spread right out. I suddenly felt the bed shaking from side to side. I kinda just froze there. When it stopped i climbed out of bed and opened my window. My sisters were in the room directly underneath and i told them what happened. They didn't believe me. My mum did though and made my dad sleep in that bed on the last night.

The other thing was me, my sister and her boyfriend were watching telly in my front room. My OH was in the kitchen making himself some food. There was this banging coming from the small room upstairs. Like foot steps walking away from the window to the bedroom door. We all looked at each other and none of us would go up and look. It sounded just like when my younger sister has a strop on and stomps around in her room, except she wasn't in. My OH kept telling me it was pipes under the floorboards but it has never sounded like that before! I don't like being home alone anymore.
I used to work in a hotel and we were serving a big function. It's a very old Victorian building and was also used as a war hospital. The function room is split into 3 - the main room, a wide corridor and another room next to it. We always served the food from the other room and then sat around in it until people were finished their food. The plates are all on big stands about 20 plates high.

On this occasion we had served the food and there were about 3 plates left on the stand at about head height. We were all sitting at the opposite side of the room when one plate came out of the stand and dropped. Not in any ordinary way, either. It went out about a metre and a half slowly and then fell to the ground. :eek:
I have one and no one in my family believed me

My auntie has a farmhouse in Tuscany and it's really really old...anyway every year we all go there for a summer holiday...there is normally about 10/12 of us.

One night I was in the downstairs study which we used a bedroom, the door was open and I was getting ready to go out... When I'd finished I walked over to the door and it had closed. I didn't really think much about it until I went to open it and it wouldn't open. :shock:

I pulled and pulled on it and nothing...then I realised that the door was locked by the bar lock on the inside. I unlocked it and it opened fine. I had been no where near the door and obviously as it was on the inside no one else could have locked it. I also didn't hear the door close or the lock.

The thing is no-one believed me when I told them...anyway a few nights later we were sat outside chatting. My cousin came out of the house using the french doors and sat with us so everyone was outside the house. After about half an hour my auntie decided to go inside and get a jumper she walked over to the french doors and they were locked!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

This time though the doors were locked from the inside of the house and they were locked with the key which was still in the door. We got back into the house using the back kitchen door. As we were all outside it couldn't have been any of us...needless to say they all believed my bedroom incident after that

loads of stuff has happened there since...we're going in Sept for 10 days so maybe I'll have more to report!
OMG I've just read through them all and they are freaky!!

I've had a few wierd things happen to me but the scariest one is this:

We lived in a bungalow from when I was 1 to when I was 5 and up until I was about 13, I always thought we had my Dad's friend live with us for a while at the bungalow. To make things even wierder, I actually have memories which feel sooo real about her! Like I remember helping her with weeds in the garden, making bread with her, singing songs, listening to her stories (can't remember any of them though lol)

When we were reminiscing once (I was about 13) I asked my Mum who the old lady was who came to stay with us for a few months at the bungalow and she totally freaked out :shock: She said that when I was little a few things happened but never thought about it again after we moved;

- When I was about 2 I used to toddle to the front door and try to open it, Mum used to come and get me and I'd scream saying that there was an old lady there when there wasn't.
- When I was about 4 til when we moved, I refused to sleep in my own bed and had to sleep in a big travel cot at the foot of my Mum & Dad's bed because I used to say I could see an old lady.
- I used run past the toilet in the hallway without looking in it with my hand covering the view of it because I swore blind a ghost was in there!
- She'd hear me talking to someone in my room.

My Mum and Dad moved because the next door neighbour told my Dad that he could hear old people talking over the fence (coming from our garden) and joked to my Dad that he must be hosting OAP Fridays at our house! I think it all got a bit much for them lol! x
Great stories ladies!! :D
I think my first was one I cant actually remember! lol
When I was about 2 1/2 I went into my mum & dads room and asked my dad if his dad was called Harold as I was just chatting to him! My dad said there is no other way I could have known my grandad was called Harold as he did when my dad was 15

My most memorable was waking one night in my first flat! Now I woke most nights in fear for no reason and would run into the boys room petrified but I had to check on them and make sure they was ok!
This one night I woke up and felt unusally calm, I looked over at the door way and could see a large shadow! Through the doorway you could usually see the white door frame of a cupboard but this night I was saying to myself, "oh yeh someones definitely there, I cant see most of the door frame?" Then I remember looking about ruling things out like my dressing gown was hung over the door, I could see that clearly and seperately from this shadow and thought " hmmm yeh theres my dressing gown, thats where it ends thats not it" etc I could see the outline of a shoulder etc and as Im looking it faded and I could see all the door frame on the cupboard again! I thought " I had better go and check on the kiddies" (like I said I HAD to each other night) but this night I just thought " nah its ok they will be fine" and felt like not only would this person not hurt them but he would look after them!
Next morning I woke up and was terrified lmao! Had to sleep with the hall light on every night until I moved out nearly 2 years later!!! :shock: Talk about shit bag!! haha :rotfl:

But...... I have seen this shadow ghost since! now this time I wasnt afraid at all! Im expecting and quite wanting contact of some sort nowadays so maybe thats why but...
I was asleep again lol and I woke up and I could see him reflecting in this black box i have next to my bed (with a new fire in lol just havent gotten it fitted in yet :oops: ) I said to myself "oh its the shadow man again!" Well good night lol and rolled over (to face the place he should have been) but he had gone! I always feel calm when he is there and I KNOW he wont hurt us or the children!
I said to my OH the next day " If I find out Im pregnant soon then I know why he comes!" Within the week I had a BFP!
So I wont be seeing him again lmao! :rotfl:

Also, I have a child/children in my house but I will write about them later I have a cracking headache! :(
It was the year 1987 and I was 18 (yep years ago :D ) there was a great storm which brought down a lot of trees and killed a few people!
Anyway I was staying with a mate in Peckham (borough of Only Fools and Horses) when the storm hit! My mate had two little girls, the youngest (2) stayed fast asleep throughout, the eldest (4) became very very frightened so we met in the upstairs hallway and went downstairs. Her husband was also fast asleep in bed.

That night was very, very scary, I can remember it like yesterday and her little girl was crying so much. We went into the front room and her friend phoned soon after. Just as she began talking to her the lights then all went out...a power cut! We all screamed as it was bloody scary, but we made sure that we both held her little girl close. We began asking to be kept safeas outside sounded surreal!
All of a sudden a light appeared on the wall, it came gradually, along the length of the whole wall and fully illuminated the whole room, then it switched off like a light switch. My friends little girl fell fast asleep as soon as this happened.
This light stayed with us until it became light outside, slowly lighting up the room, then switching off! On one occasion we asked if somebody was there...the light became even brighter! This light stayed with us for a good couple of hours.
We both were convinced that something was looking after us that night! :)
Brilliant topic Kazlin, im going for a bath but will be back on later to have a read and make a post :)
MrsBrightside said:
Brilliant topic Kazlin, im going for a bath but will be back on later to have a read and make a post :)

When my nanny died I remember looking at the stars and saying goodbye to her....I was about 9 and just had a feeling she had died and the next morning I woke to mum telling us she had. :(

Also when my grandad died my mum had a watch that nan had given her and she always wore it, he died at around 2.10am and when my mum left the hospital at about 3am after they were called in because he was so ill when she was going across the car park before coming home the watch fell onto the floor and when mum picked it up the time was stopped at 2.10am.

A few years ago we were talking about ghosts and my older brother piped up and said that when my other grampy had died he was brushing his teeth in the bathroom that night and he went out onto the hall way and seen grampy stood at the end of the hall way. Dar is quite laid-back and he said he just waved and then went back into the bathroom and when he looked again grampy was gone! He only told us that years later.
One night a few months ago, I woke in the night and felt someone in the room! So I sat up thinking it was one of the kids! No one there! Lay back down but the feeling didnt go! I sat back up, looked around? No one! Weird so tried to get back to sleep! As im dozing off I "hears" a child saying " look at her funny pajamas" and giggles! So I got mad and though silly kids get back to sleep (joes twins were sleeping over and I thought it was them! Covered my leg in a mood and fell asleep!
It was only the next day that I realised that 1) I would have seen then and heard them come into the room if it was the twins not to mention Joe who sleeps next to the door! 2) I didnt actually "Hear" them! Its hard to explain but when they was chatting about my PJ's and giggling, I wasnt hearing them with my ears kwim!? It was more lik I could hear it in my head! ?? :think:

Anyways I got Joe to ask his twins anyways and they are such bad liers I thought i would catch them out but no, they said no and werent lying!? (but then i didnt expect it to be them after waking and realising things!)

Before all this, we have always heard children on the stairs! Footsteps coming down but no one there! We would go and say what you doing up but it wasnt the kids! (well the ones we could see lol)
Sometimes when I would be sat in the front room a child would poke their head around the door! I would go look and no one would be there! This happened all the time!

I also heard Joe when he isnt in! (well actually not heard "him" for a long time now :think: ) But both me and the kids have heard Joe cough, say "babe" and sigh when he isnt even in the house! Its like a tape recording!
Pretty funky lol! I dont mind but I dont like being woke up in the night!
They have scared Lucy but what i think is trying to play with her! She had a captains bed and while she played in her room she used to hear somebody jump on it! (it squeeked a lot) and she would often wake in the night really scared! I went in one night so annoyed as it was the middle of the night and she had been woken up each night that week that I shouted! Leave her alone your scaring her! Im so angry now your not very nice! lol and since then, she hasnt been woken up or scared!! :shock:
My nan (my mums mum) died when my mum was 14..well before I was born so I never got to meet her.

When I was 13 .. my mum had cancer and we where told that she didnt have much chance of pulling thru... one teatime Id fallen asleep on the sofa..Id woken all of a start and felt very wide awake, it was quite dusky outside so indoors was quite dark.. for some reason I left the living room and stood there at the bottom of the stairs lookin up..and I swear I seen a lady wearing a very smart grey shin length skirt, grey suit jacket and a trilby type hat..I just stood there looking up at her and all she kept saying was..'everything will be alright' over and over again in a very soft calm reassuring voice. Anyway, my mum finally pulled thru the cancer and I didnt mention to anyone at all for years what I thought I had seen that teatime at the top of the stairs..until me and my mum where talking about her mum and I asked if she had any photos of her.. my mum said that she only had one, so I asked to see it... she showed me the photo of a very smart lady wearing a grey shin length skirts, grey jacket and trilby type hat! :think:

I really dont know if it was a ghost that I saw... maybe I was sub-conciously wanting to know that my mum was gonna be ok and made it up in my mind at the time as a comfort to me, something to give me hope..I dont know...But I still believe that, thats what I saw!
I've had quite a few things happen to me and i've posted some of them on here before- can't remember which
ones but i'll just pick the shortest one!

when i was about 8 my aunt and uncle moved into a new flat my cousins were 2 and 5
anyway as soon as they moved in it seemed something wasn't quite right and i rememeber overhearing a few conversations which my mum has now filled me in on in proper detail. basically my auntie was in the downstairs loo and she got up and was pushed with force against the door and pinned there for about 10 seconds- obviously nothing was there and she was really freaked out, then my eldest cousin told my mum that she had a lady friend in a big beautiful dress..we were in her bedroom and she said" theres the lady sitting on my toybox , your putting your hand through her and she doesnt like it"
then i was over playing with them and my aunt was gonna take us to the park so she asked us to put all the toys away,..which we did into the toyboxes and then left, when we got back all the toys were back out and scattered all over the room- they decided to get a priest to bless the house and he put some holy water in the kitchen and a few other places..5 mins later the holy water had burned a hole through the bottom of the saucepan he had put it in , in the kitchen!
They got a psychic round and she said a victorian lady had been murdered on the stairs she had her neck broken and was pushed down- she didn't want to leave according to the psychic, so they moved house as soon as they could.
Wow some brilliant stories there girls!!!!! I dont know where to start cause ive had loads of "visits" I must be a very open book when it comes to spirits....

My best mate hung himself 3 year ago this year..... The night that he was found myself my ex and another of my then best mate's were sat watching the telly.... my house was a open house back then and friends didnt knock they used to just come straight in and shout hello! anyway we were sat watching the telly and all 3 of us heard the back door open and close (it was an noisy door so ya could always hear it been used) We were waiting on the "hello" and nothing, we all got up and had a look, no1 about.... thought nothing more of it and sat about chatting for another hour when we got a call to say that my best mate had been found an hour earlier dead!!! We believe it was him coming to see us!!!

A few nights later I had the same mate over again and we were having a drink and talking about our mate who had died... when I looked over the mugs on the tree mug were swinging, there was only us two in the house and we were chatting.... I then decided to say out loud if thats you Id love to have you around but dont ever scare me when im home alone.... the mugs stopped swinging :?

Ive had loads of visits from my friend he killed himself, always when I needed him, more so at the start when I wouldn't accept he wasnt coming back.... had a lovely dream one night about him where he was trying to tell me he had passed away but in my dream I was just sooo excited to see him again that I wouldn't listen to him! even so I woke up the next morning and it sunk in so he did his job that night and let me see him one more time.... often when Ive been out and about in the car I can smell him (he right into his cars like me and we would often cruise about on a night together) often get a strong smell of his aftershave in the back of the car or a knee dig in my back.... I know he wouldn't hurt me so its always nice when I realise hes around.... he seems to be there when im down and always cheers me up........ on the day of his second anniversary of his death it was a Friday and I was at work.... I had had a crap day and even more so with it been 2 years since he died..... I was listening to Galaxy, as anyone who knows the radio station will tell you its mainly a dance and RnB sorta music radio station...... sitting at my desk and all I hear is Dido - white flag which was his funeral song.... it was madness to hear it on that station cause they NEVER play anything like that, also when I went for a brain scan they stuck the music on and yey ya guessed it white flag came on again..... Im sure it was his way of saying im with you hun be brave!!!

Not my experience but we believe it was related to me, when I was having a bad time with my panic attacks my Nanna and my sister were asleep and were woken to a dirty looking man standing at the side of their beds, he told each of the not to worry that she will be ok, not to worry about her and to go back off to sleep.... both of them said they weren't scared by him and fell straight back to sleep it wasnt till a few days later when they were talking that my Nanna mentioned her dream to my sister said she had had the same dream...

A few times at my old house I caught what I seen as a very big built man wearing a full length coat in my utility room.... for some reason I never liked that room and it always made me feel funny... I never told anyone and then one day my sister was sitting having a cuppa and all of a sudden went very white!!!! when I asked her what was wrong she said she had just seen a black figure in the utility and didnt like the feeling she got when she seen it.... My Nanna used to have the house years and years b4 we got it and we didnt know that till we bought the house.... My Mam was born in that house and after all the family moved out my Great Aunt lived there with her husband.... he was a nasty piece of work from what I had been told and used to beat her up... she died drunk with her foot in the fire cause my Nanna said he "drove her to drink" ive often wondered if it was him that I used to see cause the feeling I got when I did see it was like a shudder and used to feel like I wanted to be as far away from the shadow as possible...

Years and years ago when I was about 17-18 I was upstairs drying my hair in my room, me and my sisters rooms were in the attic.... It was a Saturday and my nanna and grandy always came on a sat morning after shopping for a cuppa..... I was drying my hair with my music loud as I always did when I had a feeling somebody was watching me.... I turned around and a short man with top hat and tails was standing half in my doorway.... as soon as I seen him he turned and walked away.... I jumped up and followed him and when I got to the top of the stairs he was gone..... I went down stairs and My mam and Nanna were sat having a cuppa and told them about this Victorian dressed style man that I had seen in my room and the one thing that stood out was how short he was for a fella and also he had a an old fashioned watch hanging from his waistcoat..... I was trying to describe the best way I could what he was wearing when my Nanna said lets have a look at a book about my home town and see if any are wearing that style!!! flicking through the book I stopped her at a page with the said man on it!!!! he was the man who had built, lived and died in the house..... back in the day his family were the main builders in our town and my parents had bought the house from a family member, we were the only family to have lived in it other then the builders family!!!!!

I could go on forever with my stories cause I have loads... I have been told buy a spiritualist that I am very very open and see things and feel things that most ppl shut off!!!
Heres some more spooky moments..

Before I moved in with Lee I used to come and stay with him Friday to Sunday as he lives 40 miles away from my home town..... Now ive never had a bad feeling about this house, im quite happy to get up in the middle of the night and walk around etc even read a book on my own at daft o clock in the morning when I cant sleep....

This night we went to bed as normal and must have fallen asleep pretty quick..... I remember having a dream that someone was trying to get into bed on my side.... I remember waking up at the same point as Lee and knowing there was a lady at the bottom of my bed, as I tried to jump over Lee to get out the bed and put the light on I could see a woman floating quite high from the floor at the bottom of the bed... for some reason all I can remember about her is that she had really long light hair!!! now Lee doesn't believe in anything like this but we both woke at the same time and as I was trying to get over him to get out of the bed, in a rush I might add, he was doing the same and making a right fuss about it.... he just said he had a dream that some one was watching him from the bottom of the bed :? very very weird... never seen anything again and have never felt anything around the house since......

We lost my great Aunt on my Dads side a few years back now.... She hadnt been well for ages and had stopped eating, wouldn't get out of bed and generally no well at all... BUT she seemed to be hanging on everyday.... the last time I went to visit her while she was still alive I fed her some jelly spent some time with her reading etc then went home after... we were really close, she lived just around the corner from my old house and I used to go around everyday with my mam as she was her carer.... anyway that night when I went to bed I said a little prayer to my Uncle Billy (her husband who had died very young she never remarried as said her Billy was the only one for her and no1 could replace him) to please come and get her cause she was ready to go to him, that it was their time to be together again now and that we would all cope without her...... the next day mam came around to get me and as we did everyday went round to aunties to see her b4 I started work (it was in the summer and red hot, for some reason I stuck a vest top in my work bag thinking if uncle billy had been to get Auntie that I didnt wanna be stuck in my uniform all day, weird I know) when we got there and unlocked the door the first thing we seen was Auntie on the floor... she died first thing that morning in the bathroom so Uncle Billy came for her... the house had a lovely feeling about it very calm and warm and im sure uncle billy and auntie else were there to make sure we managed ok!!
We lived up at High green in Sheffield, must have been about6-7 years old, one night i woke up and look to the hall way as i always had my door open, there was a little girl who was dressed in old fasioned clothes, maybe victorian, she lifted her hand up and held it out in front if her. I slammed the door shut and hid under the covers and god knows ive never slept with the door open since.
In the same house on 2 seperate occasions ive seen the shadow of a man stood next to my bed, right over my head, he used to come really close to my face before i hid under the covers, he was really really tall so couldnt have been my dad. Ive never been able to sleep without the light or telly on since im 21 soon :oops:
My Uncle Andy died 5 years ago. He suffered a heart attack while playing squash.
Anyway, about a year after his death my cousin, who was about 9 at the time, says he saw a grey mist and my uncle stood there. He said "Don't worry. Everything will be ok." I really feel sometimes that he is here, keeping an eye on us all.

And at my OH's mum's house they claim someone is there called Sheila. They named her i think. But while we were sat having tea the back door opens. Someone will get up and slam it shut, then it'll open again, so they have to lock it. Another time they put the kettle on, but just as it starts to boil, the kettle just stops working. After around 5 mins it'll start boiling again.

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