Your Ghostly Experiences...

i've got another fairly quick one to tell you- my nan is fairly psychic- she has premonition dreams!
when her dad died (back in irelan) she dreamt that he was by her bed holding her hand and saying goodbye
and telling her everything was ok, when she woke up she knew he had dies she phoned her sister in Ireland and she said i was about to ring you, daddy has passed..and she told her that she and my nans other sisters were by his side and he held out his hand and basically said what he had said to my nan in her "dream"!!

shes had a few others too like when her niece in ireland and her whole family (hubby and two kids)
all died in there sleep from carbon monoxide poisoning she dreamt that she was crawling through a smoky tunnel and could not catch her breath..she said she could not breathe and woke up spluttering and coughing and she felt that someone had died maybe in a fire from smoke inhalation or something- it turned out the family had died and they had lit the fire that night but it was blocked or something and the fumes were pumping round the house and thay went to bed and didn't wake up!

i told her ring me straight away if she dreams of me- ps my nan dreamt that i was pg when i hadn't found out i was!!!
My OH woke one night to what he thought was Joseph stood next to him! He looked at the clock and he was gone! It wasnt Joseph! lol He doesnt believe in ghosts apparently! ;) He pooped himself! Now he tried to say it was a dream or something!? This is about the 4th thing to happen for him to try and blame on something else! Well if it makes him feel better thats up to him I suppose!
Nothing has happened to me but my hubby has had a few weird experiences on the canal, where he grew up.

There is a stretch of canal near Braunston in Northants and they filmed an episode of Morse there. They used horses to pull the narrowboats but the horses freaked out and wouldn't go along that stretch. My MILs dog wouldn't get out of the boat at that bit either.

My hubby grew up on a narrowboat so was experienced at steering. His sister was steering the boat through a tunnel and she saw a light come nearer, as if they were about to pass another boat. She didn't feel confident steering the boat past another so asked my hubby to take over. He did and as they rounded the corner they could see working boats moored up out the other end of the tunnel with their chimneys smoking etc. The boat that they were about to pass came closer but as they were about to pass it, there was nothing there! And the working boats that were moored up? Gone. Both of them had witnessed it.

I know the canals have currents so this can be explained by that, but when they lived on the boat near a lock gate, it would swing open for no reason on its own, even on the quietest and calmest of days. My MIL was sure it was the lock keeper who had lived there.
Have a feeling I've posted this before :think:

A few months ago I was waling the dog up the road. I was taking some dinner to an elderly neighbour.She wasn't in so I hung it on her door handle.
As I was walking back the dog started to get agitated. I thought "oh a car's coming" as the dog likes to try and chase them when they drive past.
I couldn't hear anything so I looked back (some cars creep up on you, practically) and, just past the entrance to the farm, I saw this figure, standing in the middle of the road. At first glance I was like "WTF is a Muslim doing round here?" because (sorry this sounds so melodramatic) the figure was in black and seemed to be wearing a veil. I can't really describe how I was like looking down through a pool, and something's at the's there but it's not part of anything if you know what i mean?

Anyway i was looking at this firgure for a good 10 seconds, then...I just stopped looking, glanced at the dog or something...and when I looked back it was gone.

The only place it could have gone would be if it had walked back and gone into the farmyard....and I would have seen it walking down the road. Otherwise, there's 7 foot hedges, so it wasn't like it was a farm labourer .... and I don't think they are in the habit of wearing black dresses...

A few days later, my mum told a woman from the other end of the road what I'd seen. She said immediatly that it sounded like Sister Bernadette, a nun who used to visit the farmer (whos quite old) Sister B was a very good person, used to do good work for old people etc. She's been dead for 15 years.

We did ask the farmer if any nuns had visited him recently. They haven't.
My neighbour reckons Sister bernadette was looking out for me cos I'm a fallen woman :D
A couple of years ago when i lived with my OH at his house we had a really scary night.

He had always said something wasn't right with the house and he had experienced some weird things happening there.

One night we had gone to bed neither of us could sleep so we were laid talking, but all of a sudden the room went icy cold (it was the middle of summer and had been a really hot night) neither of us said anything but both knew the other could sense the coldness. We then started to hear noises like movement no one else was in the house other than us. There was a fan light above the bed and the things you pull to turn the fan on were moving!

I started to get really freaked out so we decided to go downstairs and have a cuppa. When we got downstairs the blinds in the living room were open :eek: I closed them before we went to bed, OH insisted he hadn't touched them. While we were stood in the kitchen we could still feel the icy cold draught and then we heard moving around upstairs.

Luckily not long after we moved but we once saw a Psychic and she told OH there were spirits around him and to tell the one that was bothering him to 'go away'.

We ended up not going to bed that night at all - we even tihought about going to stay in a hotel it was scary.

Thing like that never normally bother me but that really did.

A few weeks ago me and OH had been rowing and I was asl$eep on the settee. I'd been having a dream about my Nanna and in it she was telling me i needed a cuddle and she is always watching me. When I woke up in the middle of the night there was a really funny feeling in the room and I swear she was there. In fact whenever me and OH are having problems or i am really stressed out I always dream of her.
I've had a few!

The first one was when I was young, it was around Christmas time. It was the middle of the night and I went downstairs to get a glass of water, as I opened the door I saw a cat dart across the kitchen. I thought it was ours..I'd left him curled up at the end of my bed so I thought he'd followed me down. When I went back upstairs he was in the same position as when I left him, fast asleep..I was really freaked out!!

The second was a few years ago. My ex's Dad owned the Jamaica Inn on the way to Cornwall and we went for a ghost hunt there one night with a professional. We were in a room in the dark waiting for stuff to happen and I was poked on my right arm. My ex was to the left of me, lying on his side and the wall was to the right of me, there was no way my ex could have poked me. I was surprisingly calm actually, I thought I would have been scared!!
I love reading these, although i nearly jumped out of my skin when my mobile rang! Lol
Last night me and Lee went away to bed.... as always I switched all the plugs off at the mains...

we were lying in bed just going off to sleep when I could here this noise... woke Lee up as it sounded like a water pressure type noise..... I got up and went into the passage and it was louder so made Lee get up and see what it was as I was worried the water tank had bust or a pipe or something..... nope the radio in the sitting room had come on and was playing white noise :roll: :roll: even tho I KNOW I turned it off at the wall and the last time I used it in the afternoon I had played a CD so it wasnt even on the radio (i never use the radio on there) setting......
When David was about 4yo he used to have an imaginary friend called Charlotte who he used to play with daily.

One day he came in and said to me "Mum can you tell Charlotte to play with me cuz she won't come outside" I asked him what 'Charlotte' was doing and he said "she keeps watching you when you wash up" I politely asked 'Charlotte' to go and play with David in the garden, which (apparently) she did.

Later that week I asked david about his 'friend'. He told me that she wears lots of clothes at the same time and told me she wore a vest, jumper and cardigan and a 'sheet' round her waist. He told me that she comes in the kitchen and watches me when I wash up and she plays with the kettle switch when I'm not in the kitchen (kettle was always out of Davids reach) and he said that she was always cold.

Then one day as suddenly as he started playing with her, he stopped and when I said "Did you play with Charlotte today?" David said "No she went home to her Father". Thought it was weird he called it her Father as he only ever knew the word Daddy or Dad.

Abt 6months later I had a spiritualist reading and the lady told me that my Grandmother was watching down on David and keeping him safe. I was a bit miffed as my Mother had also passed by that time and i thought it was a bit off my Mother not making the effort :rotfl:

I told my sister, and then it clicked: Charlotte was my nan's real name (she went by her middle name in life), she was elderly and we used to laugh cuz she ALWAYS wore a thermal vest, jumper and cardigan and still used to annoy my Dad by complaining that the house was too cold. My Dad had to install a timer for the hot water as nan would fill a whole sink full of hot bubbly water just to wash 1 cup and she was forever at the sink. We assumed the description of the sheet around her waist was David's version of her apron that she always wore and as for the kettle switch I assumed it was david so had put kettle out of reach and it still felt hot when I went and touched it so thought it was me being dizzy!

As for the 'Father' that she went home to, who knows, maybe there is a God!!! (like I say we never ever used the word Father - we're from North London and wayyyyy to common) :rotfl:

Have had (and still do get) lots of 'experiences' but had begun to train as a spiritualist healer and mediumship so guess I ask for everything I get!!!

Sarah xxx

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