your baby's movements


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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can everyone say how much their babys move each day?
is there an amount of time where you don't feel anything at all and then later on your baby will go mad?
my babys movements seem to be completely different to what they were last week, and she doesnt move half as much x
Mines stopped kicking...

She seems to stretch and push and shudder now... I also feel her really heavy in my pelvis, with sharp pains when she really pushes down... I know she's head first as I get all my movements in my ribs and lungs now...
I have to say.. this one had a really established pattern of movement from really early on... I think around about 23 weeks I could definitely tell that there were "times" when she was more active...

It's the same now. First thing in the morning around 9am, then around 3ish, then around 5ish, then around 9ish, then around 11ish then around 1am..

I hope she is that organised when she pops out... LOL. :rotfl: Wishful thinking here.
mine has quiet days most day, just the odd busy patch, usually when I'm stretched out in bed :lol:
She seems to have more active times of the day, shes very quiet (just the odd kick, punch or wriggle) during the day then goes crazy in the evening and night at the moment. I feel her move regular throughout the whole day now but didnt a few weeks ago so I spose its as she gets bigger, ive also found it depends alot on babys position as to how much you can feel.
Mine has had a quiet day today. It usually starts squirming around bedtime.
A few weeks back I nearly took myself to hospital (around weeks 29-30) now I get very regular big thumps and movements. I think he was going through a little sleepy growth spurt in those weeks- so I wouldn't worry too much if the movements have got less frequent but if you feel nothing for a full day then go and get doc to check it out- if anything it'll make you feel better.
Also I find if I have had a long day on my feet or been moving around alot he moves less that day and the following.
Last weekend there was zero kicks and hardly any movement, then a burst of kicks and activity throughout the next few days and nights, so who knows what they're up to in there! Its very unpredictable at the moment. A routine would be good, at least then you have an idea what to expect as some reassurance!
Jenifer squirms, moves, thumps, & pushes all the time when I'm sat down. Unfortunately, due to my job, I'm sat down most of the day so it can be very distracting. In the last week or so she has also started moving around when I'm laid in bed (but doesn't when I'm asleep), and now she's even started when I'm stood up too. I didn't think babies were ever this active in the womb. Maybe it's punishment for past sins :lol:

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