Young girls wanting babies to get a flat

In my area they don't just do it to get a house There has always been a vast amount of young mum's in my town. The amount of girls that get pregnant in school. There were loads when I was in school 6yrs ago, and I still see them in the centre now every time I go in. What is the world coming to?
Icecream said:
In my area they don't just do it to get a house There has always been a vast amount of young mum's in my town. The amount of girls that get pregnant in school. There were loads when I was in school 6yrs ago, and I still see them in the centre now every time I go in. What is the world coming to?

one day there will be no one working! they will either be claiming benefits under false pretences or dropping a baby every year to get out of working.
Alot of girls my way do it for a house aswell :roll:

We had that electronic baby! Had it for a night then asked for it for a weekend aswell to experience it like taking it out, etc. I loved it. Must say though I definately knew I didn't want a kid and be at school. And I wouldn't have a kid to get a house.

I don't think it's always the parents fault at all, but I think it has ALOT to do with where they grow up, being a teen not long ago myself, I have a pretty good grasp on the current way it is, in my area anyway. These kids grow up in bad area's and think it's normal to do this. bring them up in a better area and they might not head down the same path. I'm not saying it's as cut and dry as that at all, it's just alot like that where I live. the peers are more to blame.
did you have the eloctronic baby for real sami? :rotfl:

was it realistic? tell me more
Yeah budge, it was great! It woke every 3 hours in the night for a feed, which took half hour (had to turn a key into it's back, which was attatched to my wrist by one of them hospital name id's thingies, so it can't come off and I can't give the baby to anyone else to feed).
It cries for attenion and it registers if you miss any 'cares', which are nappy changes, feeds, play time, if you dont support the neck properly, etc. And how long you take to respond to it aswell. It was really good. I took the baby out over the weekend I had it and it really shocked me how easy it WASN'T to have a baby and a buggy on a bus, etc. Plus the lack of sleep and stuff, and how much attention babies do need.
But I really enjoyed the experience. I loed kids and knew I wanted kids, but I also knew then wasn't the right time!!

i laugh but i suppose its a good idea. :hug:
I think it is a good idea, but it's not compulsary to have the baby for a night even if schools did have it. I only had the chance to look after it because I took Child Development as a GCSE.
i was driving home from mums last thursday evening at 9.30pm and what i saw shocked me...
i saw a large group of teens must have been ages between 14 and 18 and there was a girl sat there with a push chair and a baby! i couldnt believe my eyes, girl was sat in a pink track suit and the baby wearing a pink snow suit to.. but they were sat in on a bench by the side of the road, it was starting to rain, the baby must have been frozen. it was a really windy rainy night - and there was no rain cover on the chair.

i think the electric baby is a good idea.
Sami said:
I think it is a good idea, but it's not compulsary to have the baby for a night even if schools did have it. I only had the chance to look after it because I took Child Development as a GCSE.

I think it should be compulsory for all teenage girls to have it at some point in their secondary schooling. I think it would help cut teen pregnancies for sure.
JaidyBaby said:
Sami said:
I think it is a good idea, but it's not compulsary to have the baby for a night even if schools did have it. I only had the chance to look after it because I took Child Development as a GCSE.

I think it should be compulsory for all teenage girls to have it at some point in their secondary schooling. I think it would help cut teen pregnancies for sure.

id have been mortified if id have been made to have one of those when i was at schol though jade.
If girls should be made to have thm then boys should ner ner ner ner enr
budge said:
JaidyBaby said:
Sami said:
I think it is a good idea, but it's not compulsary to have the baby for a night even if schools did have it. I only had the chance to look after it because I took Child Development as a GCSE.

I think it should be compulsory for all teenage girls to have it at some point in their secondary schooling. I think it would help cut teen pregnancies for sure.

id have been mortified if id have been made to have one of those when i was at schol though jade.
If girls should be made to have thm then boys should ner ner ner ner enr

Yeah definately boys too....cos then maybe the lads would realise how important it is to wear a rain mac lol
I would have loved to have one of those dolls. I have always been maternal, but I have my head screwed on enough to get through uni and find my man first. My sisterhad one though - i think she failed it.
The dolls are a good idea. We had them in my old school too.
I think more can be done in schools to prevent this. Its not all down to schools, but parents cant help what their kids learn at school. If its seen to be 'cool' to have a kid at 13 then they will all do it. the age for sex should be higher than 16. I cant believe they were going to lower it to 12 last year!
We need to be more strict on our children. I think its the area they grow up in too, the people around them. Thats why im moving asap from this area!!
I know alot of good 18yr old mums but i know ALOT more BAD 13-21yr old mums! It makes you feel sad for these babies. What kind of mother thinks its okay to do coke infront of their child? in reach of their babies? Out at midnight drunk on a bench with their 'mates'?? It makes me so mad to see how immature these mums are! Im a young mum myself but NEVER would i put my baby second! Or in a bad situation!! I was 17 when i fell pregnant with jaycee and i feel i have done a good job with her! I havent had a drink since my 17th birthday. Its ok to drink while u have kids, but not while your looking after them! I was in a hostel and a girl i shared with used to go to bed with a bottle of vodka every night to get herself to sleep...if her baby woke up choking she would be too drunk to wake up! we were all in 9x9 rooms to live in and i was across the hall from one girl who lived with her 1yr old.. they smoked so much weed it stunk my room out!! it was at least 24foot from my door and had to pass thru 2 hallways and 4 doors!! The landlady done nothing, she even let them deal from there!
sorry im rambling, i get so mad at some people.
rant over.

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