Young girls wanting babies to get a flat


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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My OH's Sister works as a secutary in a secoundary school which is in a area of Birmingham thats mainly council with lots of chavs lol

She also deals with the Naughty children, she asked one of the girls what it is she wants to do when she leaves school, this was her answer..

" well...... I think im just going to get pregnant and then get a flat and live on benefits, its easier that way"

:shock: Foolish child is all I can say !

It's like they have been molded by there parents to be the same, they just want to sit on there arse all day smoking and drinking and they don't want to go to work.

It really frustrates me because there is a better way of life! were you can still enjoy yourself and have fun! thats not a life wanting to get pregnant so young! and all for the wrong reasons.

I just feel sorry for the poor babies that get brought into the visious cycle :?
this subjest really annoyes me too!
dundee has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in britain, so as you may notice thats a lot of flats/houses being taken up by silly young girls who have babies purely to get a flat of their own and leaves many families in desperate need of more space waiting for years for a bigger house. (by the way that rant was not targeted at teenage mothers, i know there are teen mums who don't get pregnant just to get a flat and live on benefits for an "easy" life.)
As that girl said she thinks its the easy way out, i think as soon as she has a baby she will realise that her option will have not have been the easy way, and the kid will probably get passed on to any family member who will have tham, while the mum goes and tries to regain the childhood she had before her baby arrived.
I guess these teens are just not educated enough to realise that this is not an "easy" way of life.
I was more disgusted by a news report i read the other day which claimed that pregnant teenagers were smoking on purpose as they were told that smoking would make their babies smaller, and therefore they thought smoking would make their labour easier as their babies would be smaller! This kind of logic makes me feel sad :( .
that's awful! :shakehead:

One night with a new baby and the awful feeling of morning sickness would soon change their mind!

Whatever happened to that pilot they did in school with a doll that was like a human that would cry all of the time when it needed feeding etc...

Think all teenagers, girl and boys should have at least one night with this kind of doll! :shakehead:
I hate people like this to be honest! I'm 20 and I got pregnant at 18 nearly 19. We've never recieved benefits and we live with my mum at the moment as we are saving to part buy our own home. I couldn't imagine bringing my son up in the council areas where I live! We're on the council housing list but that is only so we can part buy. Anyone who has a child to get housed is in for a huge surprise, yeah getting pregnant for some people is easy but try bringing up a baby! It's the hardest thing I will ever do in my life and I would never ever do it as an "easy way out" because it isn't! I'm lucky that I have support from my husband and help from my mum at times because if you just plan to get pregnant to get a flat you will most likely not stay with the dad so will end up on your own making it even harder! The sad thing is these girls will only realise when they have their flat but a screaming teething baby at 3am and all their mates are out having a life.
Tasha20 said:
My OH's Sister works as a secutary in a secoundary school which is in a area of Birmingham thats mainly council with lots of chavs lol

She also deals with the Naughty children, she asked one of the girls what it is she wants to do when she leaves school, this was her answer..

" well...... I think im just going to get pregnant and then get a flat and live on benefits, its easier that way"

:shock: Foolish child is all I can say !

It's like they have been molded by there parents to be the same, they just want to sit on there arse all day smoking and drinking and they don't want to go to work.

It really frustrates me because there is a better way of life! were you can still enjoy yourself and have fun! thats not a life wanting to get pregnant so young! and all for the wrong reasons.

I just feel sorry for the poor babies that get brought into the visious cycle :?

honestyl i really don't know what makes these silly trollops tick i really don't :think: :think:

sterilisation comes to mind im afraid.
Bloody hell!

When I got pregnant at 17 I could think of nothing worse than being on benefits and what I thought was losing my teenage years.

The stupid girl next door is living off benefits, has a young child and getting crap loads of new things delived everyday.

The houses round here are all housing association and parked outside each house are brand new cars. I always wonder how the hell they can afford it, they are all on benefits.

OH and I are struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table. :(

Arrgghh these young kids having babies just to get a house etc, should live life in the real world for a bit first. They should be made aware of what its really like. :x
how do ppl on benefits afford more stuff than those working?? :think:

when i got pregnant at 18 my mums first reaction was that i had done it to get somewhere to live, not nice when its ur own mother sayin that :cry:

im on the housing list (and probably will be on that for a gd few yrs!) but am living with mike and his parents - his parents are building a new flat extension next to their house for me mike and baby to live in!
I found out i was pregnant when I was 19 a few weeks before my 20th birthday at the end of April, I was a self employed Model and I worked part time in my OH's Limo Business. It was abit of a blow as I knew I had to rely on him because I could no longer model, the last thing on my mind was claiming anything and I'm still reluctant to claim child benefit which everyone working or not is entilted to. I hate the idea of having money from my OH let alone the goverment makes me feel wrong :?

Me and OH are living with his parents and wont be able to get our own place for a few years yet because of the business and we are looking into part buying too.

These Children really don't know what living in the real world is like because they havnt been brought up in it, Me and OH work damn hard to get Limo bookings and run a business and it can be so stressfull but I wouldnt want to ever change that for anything I would rather live in the real world a reep the rewards in the future than sit on my ass and settle for second best!

God it makes me so mad :x
I really disagree with ppl gettin pregnant to get housing, my sisters bf wanted my sister to have a baby for this reason... she was naive neough to do it and now there not together and she is bringing up a baby on her own living at my mothers.

Children are for life... its not a mealticket and young children need to realise this....

i wish they had better education in schools to prevent children from getitn pregnant for housing..

I understand that people fall pregnant even wtih protection and its not there fault but ppl who are gettin pregnant just for aflat need sterilising!!!
I don't think its nessisarly the education system that needs changing it's the parents that need changing
yeah, that aswell, but i think young struggling parents shud go into schools and show these teens its NOT easy!!
lozzijane said:
yeah, that aswell, but i think young struggling parents shud go into schools and show these teens its NOT easy!!

I was thinking of doing something like that. If they were left alone for just a few seconds with zack... it would put them off for life lol :lol:
i would, think jamie would put off a whole generation of schoolgirls once they had seen his nappy lmao!!!
People can afford more on benefits because their house is paid for. They get free legal aid. They get food tokens and other things like that, plus child benefit for each child (More for being single if they are). It is not just teenagers that do it, it is older women. I am not saying all single mothers, but a lot do see the life they can outside marriage propped up by the government as luxurious and easy.

Of course it also depends where you live. The council houses around my area are very bad. I would never live in one.

Me and my OH are on benifits, but that is for other reasons rather than ease, though i am pleased I can be a mother and be there for my children. If I was on my own, God forbid, I would work hard at making a life for myself.

I do agree though that these teenagers have it too easy and should not be having babies before they have grown up. they need to finish their childhood and make the right decisions. I think it is the parents fault that that happens for not educating them properly.
kirlykird said:
Whatever happened to that pilot they did in school with a doll that was like a human that would cry all of the time when it needed feeding etc...

Think all teenagers, girl and boys should have at least one night with this kind of doll! :shakehead:

My daughter was talking about these not long ago, she said they'd been 'cancelled' at her school because they cost £500 each.

I think they are a great idea.
well i'm afraid these silly girls will have a shock when they get pregnant and get refused for a flat...council...well stoke on trent city council have stopped giving flats to pregnant people or people with babies because of stairs, but they wont even give you a downstairs flat either...

I'm 17 and I rent my house privatly from a landlord, OH works, so did I so were not all the same as these foolish people.
some people just don't have any common sense. I just can't understand their reasoning AT ALL :wall:
I work as a volunteer at a youth centre once a week and we have the same here the amount of girls with babes at 16 is ridiculous
Getting preggers on PURPOSE to get housed???

What idiots, they probably wont even get a flat :roll:

OH and I are on the Homelessness Register as we were evicted from our private rent and are now staying at my mothers, we are waiting to be rehoused but we know its not going to happen anytime soon as the demand far outways the supply. And even though im pregnant im still not a priority!

So good luck to any one that gets pregnant just to get a house, they are living in cloud cuckoo land. They'd be better off saying they were on drugs as they would probably get a house quicker that way :evil: :evil:

Sorry sore subject with me as you can imagine being in our situation!
I know what u mean oh works but can't get a council house (long story) and i'm not even old enough...thats another thing my coucil wont do, they wont put u on the register til your 18! Then you get silly people getting pregnant to get houses/flats and i'm stuck being skint every week because renting private is expensive!

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