you should try 'this', you should try 'that'


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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:wall: :wall: :wall:


why on earth do people (and people who havent even had children!) think that you should try everything from hanging upside down, whilst drinking water, with one eye shut, saying the alphabet backwards in your head to make you go into labour!

'oh this worked for me!'
'you should do this'
'have you tried such and such'
Oh I know what you mean :hug:

Also, people feeling your bump in the middle of shopping centres! And I've had this week, "I reckon it will be any day now, your bump's so low", when I know I've got at least 3 weeks to go, no indication that it'll be early. Why do people feel they can suddenly see into the future and predict when you're going to give birth!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:
you should try.....

not taking a blind bit of notice... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:oops: sorry if ive done that myself :oops: :doh: ive mentioned to becky about going up and down the stairs side ways as i was doing ths when my waters broke

aww hun i know its annoying it got to me when i was given helpful advice from people around me. god im turning into one of them :shock: ugrh no!
He-he, there's a fine line between being one of "those" people and doing what Sarah describes - which is just giving advice to a friend.

The one I hated was when someone (usually a man) would suggest that some good sex would help baby on its way wink wink!! Then a few days later the same person would be all "so have you tried what I suggested yet wink wink" I hated it!!
Luckily people havnt started suggesting how to get her put yet lol, i do however keep having strangers saying "oh you're gonna drop early i can tell" how exactly can they tell?? I'd like to know, cos i reckon she's gonna be in until at least early July!!
i hate it when people say 'ooh , youve dropped!' when actually i havent at all and my bump is just as high now as it was 3 weeks ago as baby's head isnt even engaged! i just reply 'no i havent' and they look all confused :rotfl:
tezzy said:
:wall: :wall: :wall:


why on earth do people (and people who havent even had children!) think that you should try everything from hanging upside down, whilst drinking water, with one eye shut, saying the alphabet backwards in your head to make you go into labour!

'oh this worked for me!'
'you should do this'
'have you tried such and such'

Babies will appear when they are ready! I just laugh at people when they go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on! :lol:
oh hun this post made me and my OH laff :rotfl:

im guilty of doing/saying all that stuff in the past im sure but now im overdue and ive tried it all i feel the same as u :rotfl:
I do it in the 37 weeks thread :oops:

But I do reearch before I suggest anything!

Sorry if I have annoyed anyone :shock:

(or am I? :twisted: :rotfl: )
I think we've all done it at one time or another on here but this is a forum especially for women to discuss pregnancy and parenthood - it's not the pavement outside of Peacocks on a Saturday afternoon when you're desperate for a cuppa and a pee! Oh I so understand where you're coming from. It's ladies in the bread shop that get me. I know they're only trying to be friendly but I don't want to hear their birth stories whilst I'm shopping for food! Ewwww!
Some people are just trying to help I guess.
People keep saying 'havent you drop that yet?'

I think it sounds really rude!! Plus, I am not even full term.

One dad at the school kept telling me to drink cooking oil :shock: :puke:

Others keep chanting hot curry at me!

I have told them I will move my son to another school if they dont stop :rotfl:
i wasnt talking about people on the forum just so you all know :rotfl:

i love you all :hug: :rotfl:

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