You know that I said...


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
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That I was not testing till Saturday in my other thread as I got bfns!!

Well I gave in this morning :oops: and........The line is back and is darker :cheer: :cheer: It is only a little darker but still darker, I showed DH expecting him to say that I am mad and my eyes are playing tricks but instead he said "their is something there" :cheer: :cheer: I am still trying not to get my hopes up :shakehead:

I am going to do a digi at the weekend incase it will not show up yet! I am just praying that If I am pg :pray: then it sticks :pray:

Am I correct in thinking that if your pg then your cervix is high :think: as mine is high!

I was feeling really :puke: last night and for most the morning but was not :puke: and I am so :sleep:
Ooh, I'll have everything crossed xxxx
ooh!! Sounds really promising doesnt it? When i tested it was 4 days early and the line was really faint. I test on the day i was due and couldnt believe how much darker it was in just a few days.

got my fingers and toes crossed for you!! :pray:

:hug: :hug:
OMG Rachel this is it!!!! I am sending all my babydust your way you really deserve this.... I hate waiting but I think you are right about the weekend... If there's a line then there's hormones - this is looking really good :clap: :dance: :clap: :dance: xxxxxxx
congratulations hunney!! :dance: i had 3 very faint lines 11dpo but thn my gp confirmed it :D n the sickness sounds like a good sign 2 x
Ooh sounds promising!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
whoooooo praying for u hun....hopeing all goes well :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun I'm keeping everything crossed for you :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: (for a few days anyway coz will have to uncross legs in a few days for OV :rotfl: ) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It sounds so promising..........I shall keep everything crossed for you, and PLEASE let us know as soon as you do the digi!!
Thanks ladies :hug: :hug: I will let you know as soon as I have done the digi

Snuggle said:
Oh hun I'm keeping everything crossed for you :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: (for a few days anyway coz will have to uncross legs in a few days for OV :rotfl: ) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Yay, sounds good - I have my fingers crossed for you!!! :hug:
OMG! Got my fingers crossed for a BFP for you. Can you post a pic - I love line spotting lol.

BTW, are you really gonna wait til Sat to test :fib: , cos if hormones double every 48 hours then surely it would show on a digi by Thursday :D . Aww, go on, you know you want to, hehe!
Sounds good! More crossed fingers and toes here! x
Emma79 said:
OMG! Got my fingers crossed for a BFP for you. Can you post a pic - I love line spotting lol.

BTW, are you really gonna wait til Sat to test :fib: , cos if hormones double every 48 hours then surely it would show on a digi by Thursday :D . Aww, go on, you know you want to, hehe!

I have to wait till Friday to do digi as DH has hidden it until then :evil: :rotfl: But I have a superdrugs 1 that I have hidden from him so will do that in the morning :shhh: :D

Thanks for all the luck ladies but please don't cross your legs if you are due to ov soon :wink: :lol:

:hug: :hug:
I think I can see it.... :think: I might just be obsessed with line spotting though. If you and more importantly your OH (who isn't a line spotting obsessive!) can see it I am sure it's there.

So happy for you hon. I can't wait until the day I get the faintest whiff of a line....


I'm logging in before work tomorrow, make sure you get on here as soon as you've peed!!!

I wouldn't be able to sleep! :wall:

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