Yes, I've failed!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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We're doing BLW and as LO is now 7 months old, we're effectively a month in. He still only has a bit of what we eat and usually just once or twice a day, he still doesn't seem to swallow much.

I feel like I've failed at weaning.

He has been constipated and hasn't been for over a week so I took him to baby clinic today. The health visitor asked what he's been eating, I said that we have sort of stopped giving him much the last few days as we dont wanna add to his tummy til he's been and so I've basically just been breastfeeding.

She said 'but he's 7 months old he should be on 3 meals a day!' and ' the breastmilk isn't enough for him'.

Now I feel silly that I haven't made more effort to give him more chances to eat, but he just doesn't seem that bothered. I just gave him wheetabix as she suggested but he just spat it out by blowing raspberries whenever i gave him it.

Sorry rambling post, no real point to it other than I'm very confused.

I dont know about it but can only go by other posts ive read.

Ive seen several saying they have fully breat fed until 1 year so that must be enough for a baby.
Also baby led weaning is all about letting your baby take the lead

If hes constipted try him with a little Wattered down orange juice.

As long as he is not losing weight i think its fine to wait for him to eat by himself
Just wanted to say you havent failed.

I'm sure there will be plenty of ladies who's LOs werent that interested in food until later on.

Yu know better than to listen to a HV hon x

I dont BLW so i cant really advise, but if you want to try a mixed approach like i'm doing PM me. Spud was weaned early but now has finger foods too.
Thanks both of you. I really had the attitude of letting him eat in his own time and so wasn't pushing him to eat set meals but the HV acted as though its set in stone that at 7 months they should be on 3 meals a day.

Its so confusing. :?

Hi Laura :hug: I don't think you've failed, it does sound like your HV has failed you by having such a narrowed minded view of weaning though. I hate that she's made you feel so crap about it :hug: As the others have said, blw is all about exploration for the first few months and not about how much Reggie is actually eating! I would carry on as you have been hun, just give him little bits whenever you sit down to eat and even if he isn't interested it is good practise sitting down for a meal :hug: Shame on your HV!

As for the constipation, I would drink lots of OJ yourself as it will come through into your milk.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks Mildly.

I've decided against asking HV's for any help in future as I always end up leaving feeling like I've been interogated and had to defend my own choices and that I'm crap! She didn't understand the idea of BLW at all. I'll stick to here in future for anything other than measuring and weighing!

Regarding the constipation- I told her that he hadnt been for 9 days and that there had been a bit of blood the last time he tried where he's strained so much and she said that he looked fine and as he was smiling he didnt look like he was constipated and she didnt think he was! She said 10 days was bad for breastfed babies ( he is on day 9! ) Hmmmmmm!

I've been giving him watered down prune juice but even thats not helped him go.

I wonder if I drank it that would get through to him. It tastes disgusting though!

be wary prune juice will have the same effect on you!!

Try massaging his tummy in a clockwise direction about 3 centimetres from his belly button, this is the direction the bowel travels...then get a wipe/cotton wool or clean finger (if you are feeling brave) and massage his anus...then a nice warm bath and wait for a bum explosion!
Yeah I might try the bath idea tonight, may be messy but I just want him to feel better once he's been!

Prune juice is not nice so wont be drinking that! :puke: xx
My HV is supportive of BLW but doesn't know much about it. She said that current department of Health guidelines recommend weaning at 6 months but then moving onto 3 meals a day very quickly. So it sounds like your HV isn't exactly wrong but maybe isn't very open to individual parenting choices - which isn't very helpful to you! Mine said that 'failing' to move up to 3 meals a day quickly can lead to iron deficiency after 6 months. However, I read (and this could be wrong) that if you breastfeed exclusively this is less likely to happen - so maybe the importance of moving onto larger quantities of solids quickly only applies to formula fed babies???
Personally I would probably keep offering the food even if he doesn't seem interested - at least that way it's there for him when he is ready.
Just keep offering the food he'll take it if he wants it :hug: Are you giving him banana? That really bungs some babies up. Blueberries i find always makes Cooper poo and plus he loves them! If your worried that he's not taking enough you could always give vitamin drops to him? make sure he's getting his iron etc. I still take my pregnacare tablets as i believe some of the vits go to my milk like vit d. x
Health Visitors are not experts in baby nutrition!! I have already posted this before but it is reassuring

When your baby is 0-6 months - breastmilk = 100% of their needs and calories
When your baby is 6-8 months - breastmilk = 95% of their needs and calories
When your baby is 9-11 months - breastmilk = 93% of their needs and calories
When your baby is 12-24 months - breastmilk = 66% of their needs and calories

this means that at 6-8 months your baby only needs an extra 200 cals (equivalent to a piece of bread and butter) and at 9-11 months only another 300 calories, 12-24 months it is 550 calories.

If your HV would like to read up on this, its by Butte (2002) ;)
Oh hun you havent failed at all :hug:

So what if your HV said he should be on 3 meals a day by now, yes that my be true for a text book baby but as we all know babies have a mind of their own and rarely do they stick to the guidelines.

Like others have said just carry on with BLW offering finger foods and he will learn in time. You are still breastfeeding so he is getting all the nutrients and vitamins he needs from you, breastmilk is much more calorific than veg and fruit so he should still be gaining steady weight. Milk should still be a huge part of their diet for the first year as the BLW book suggests and when my LO was 7 months old she was still having 6 breastfeeds a day. Im sure you already give a huge variety of food but I used to offer 4 different veggies some of her favourites were roasted butternut squash, roasted/steamed swede, roasted sweet potato, roasted carrot.

With the constipation try giving him clementine/satsuma pieces or drink lots of fresh orange juice yourself and it will pass through your breastmilk, liquorish is also a diuretic so again if you eat plenty it will pass through and should help get things moving.
You havent failed, please dont think that because you havent!!!

Your HV shouldnt be pressuring you to wean any quicker than you feel is right for your baby, as others have said your baby will be getting a large % of their calories from breastmilk alone. One thing I will suggest though is maybe giving him the vitamin drops that you can get from clinics just to ensure he's getting all the iron & other vitamins that he may need if he's not eating much solids yet.

Your doing a fab job :D please dont doubt yourself x :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh honey, what a horrible HV, mine would probably be the same (except I avoid her!) I don't really have anythng to add to what the others have said, except to say that you should stick to your guns, you know you baby best and as Charlie said babies aren't text book, and some have bigger appetites than others - just like adults.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

On the constipation front we find that blueberries go straight through LO and she LOVES them so will eat loads, cue runny poos!!
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