Not wanting feeding?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I've forgotten to feed Tyler a couple of times recently because he's done nothing to show me he wants it. He's started going 4 hours between feeds but today he just went 5 hours. He was happily playing on the mat didn't hear a peep out of him. I sat down (been doing some cooking) and remembered he hadn't had a feed. As soon as I lay him on my lap his mouth opened wide and he's happily feeding but their was no desperation to it, he just casually latched on and went from there.

Do you think he's ok? Or could he be coming down with my cold I just had?

He has 1 meal a day and doesn't eat loads (none today)

Hmm, could just be that he isnt that hungry today? Or he will make up for it at another time? Is he teething hun- could be that too? Im sure he is fine if he is just his usual self in all other ways! xx
I wouldn't panic, he'd let you know if he was hungry. It could be his teeth, it could just be he was busy and he'd have remembered he was hungry in a wee while.

When G was feeding every 2 hours, sometimes she'd do a massive leap to 4/5 if we were out. Just as if there was too much going on for her. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
He's ok in himself just quiet seems to want to just lay on the floor not sit or roll or do tummy time he was a nightmare going down for his nap too. Something's not right!

Since posting that he's flipped and done a wriggle across the mat!

Its because he's started solids so his tummy is fuller longer, Kynon sometimes goes from 8am til 4pm without wanting feeding, its strange at first! Then other days he will have a mid morning bf snack, like just now! I think its so he can have a nap more than hunger tho!
Think they can be quite listless with these fussy phases so it could just b that making him more still and quiet? Ethan is in one of these and just isn't himself, less smiling, less noisy and quite still (for him anyways!), usually springs back to normal within a few days/a week xx
I agree with its as you've started weaning they do reduce milk slightly and forget if that the right word to feed x

I'd be surprised if its the solids as he doesn't have much at all. He's pooing less too so maybe it is? Arghh why don't they come with a manual?

If he's pooing less and feeding less then he maybe slightly constipated and that get make them feel quite full as well I'm sure he will be fine though x


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