yes it was labour back home with baby spencer


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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well pains were labour I am now back home with baby spencer weighing a whopping 8lb 13, and no stitches woopee, my labour was half an hour so didnlt go into shock afterwards either double bonus, I cant believe how good I feel.

I think i haveadded a picure to pg3
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This is just amazing, MOM u are a superstar!! Huge congratulations!!! Well done xxx
OMG - I go out for a couple of hours and you've had the baby and are home already!! Well done and congratulations!
Excellent news! Many many congratulations, can't believe you were in, had baby, and back home in the time my bro has been for an Indian :)
thanks girls I am so happy, I was so scared of having a rush baby when the midwife told me to push I said no hehe i'll just keep taking the gas and air. a bit like a naughty school girl then I said its stuck it will have to stay there, I find it funny now though I was so calm though i went to the hospital when just getting niggles my cousin made me go she said no harm in just seeing i wasn't going to go so glad I did as I got there at 5.45 with niggles and he was born at 18.18. got to have gas and air what heven that was so much better than paracetemol which was all i got last time.
Congratulations! Can't believe in one evening you've went in had baby and back out. If only everyones labours were like that :) xx
Well done you, that's amazing :) Congrats and welcome to the world little Spencer xxx
Congratulations - wow that was fast! Well done xx
Blimey! Huge congratulations.

I hope my labour goes like that!
Congratulations hun!

My Mum's last baby (no.4) was a half hour labour, she actually told the Midwives if they didn't let her get on a bed my Brother would fall out onto the floor! They laughed but put her on a bed and had a look and low and behold out he came, no contractions as such just severe back ache!!

Love his name too! :) x
Oh wow!!! Fabulous news to wake up to! Obviously overdue club wont be the same without you but huge congrats!!! Love the name too xxx

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